Animal Support

Welcome to our page dedicated to Animals. We hope this will allow many more animals better health 'naturally' and to be given a voice of their own resulting in giving them a chance to live a longer and healthier life along side their Human owners or carers on a 50 50 communication wave length allowing both to have an all round better and healthier quality of life. 

Often a lack of 50 50 communication in an animals past can initiate behavioural issues just as certain foods can trigger mood swings, health issues such as skin issues, symptoms similar to I.B.S, Constipation to mention just a few as well as a massive gap of misunderstanding between both.

On behalf of the many, many animals who have gone before, struggled, perhaps been put down before their time, and those who are re-homed because of one issue that could easily be resolved, please, give your animal this chance, he/she surely deserves it. 

1 Help animals talk

2 Animals Dietary needs

3 Colic in Animals

4 Crawly Itchy Skin

5 Case Studies

A few You Tube Videos clips

Some older photographs


Your Next Step

POSTS which may be of interest to you . . .

1 Dogs pulling on leads

2 Training Sessions

A call out to a horse with Arthritis 


Race horse Stables Energy changed from negative to positive resulting in winners instead of ailing horses  W. Amos

A little dog in the States

7 Depression in animals

8  A Tribute to Juanita 

9  Murphy the Springer Spaniel

10 Lauder Lass - a horse who has touched the hearts of many from all over the world

11 A dog with a serious skin issue

12 Elephants

  1. Pearl - St Louis Zoo

    2.  Sunder

13 General Animals struggling in  Captivity

  1. The Worlds worst Zoo

We would, on behalf of many animals who have gone before us, like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking time to read the above articles.

If you have any questions you would like to ask about your animals - tame, wild or safari, please feel free to do so and always remember the majority of issues ARE resolvable.

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