Understanding our Elders

Welcome to our page dedicated to our Elders. We hope this will encourage and ultimately allow each and every 'Older' person you know to have a voice, although for some perhaps a silent one. 

The suggestions given have proven/will continue to prove (with a little help from yourselves) to be of great benefit to older individuals, their families, friends and carers and has allowed/will allow a better quality of life than that of their fore-mothers and fathers.

The delight that we have had giving these very special people a chance to communicate, has been an absolute joy and one that we would love many others to experience for not only their benefit but also their children and future generations. 

Our passion for our Elders was triggered by Judi's belief that all individuals (young and old), no matter how ill or with what ever illness,  indeed have the ability to communicate and for them to be given this chance reduces frustration, confusion, behavioural issues and many misunderstandings on the sufferers side as well as their families, carers and friends. 


2  Help our Elders and Nursing Staff

 Our Elders and their needs

4  Bridging the comfort gap

5  Spread the word 

6  Encourage 'Sociable Eating habits' 

7  Thera-days

8   What we miss the most once our Elders have gone
    Consider Recording the 'Celebration of their Life'

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