
If you have any specific health issues you would like us to comment on please feel free to email us for further information or leave a comment at the foot of this page.

Angela-Stokes-Monarch I would highly recommend contacting Judi to assist you in your health quest - she is a miracle worker :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for recommendation Angela. Here's hoping our 2013 Global Mission of training others to help with more (Ailing, Misunderstood and elderly) Individuals and of course Animals (wild, tame, small, large) will continue to spread and that the training courses offered will allow these methods to be spread world wide for the benefit of all living creatures.

    Wishing you all the best with your own Mission and we look forward to sharing our Mission and our training courses with you when we come out so that you can continue to spread this Global Mission in your part of the world -
