Thursday 13 June 2019

Understanding how to meet 50/50 with Infirm individuals

Let us understand the meaning of Infirm according to Chief Inspector Google

'The adjective infirm is most often used to talk about elderly people whose bodies don't work as well as they used to ...' Each and every one of us lead different day to day lives. Some live in the fast lane, others in a more relaxed lane, some live in a highly stressed world while others live in a quiet, undisturbed world with perhaps a radio on for company or perhaps even television as their only form of human contact. Some who live in the latter world can be heard to say, the programmes they watch and the people therein almost become like 'friends' albeit through a screen, this is mainly because they may rarely see other humans through the day or perhaps even for days on end. Or they may have formed a 'window relationship' with a feathery friend such as Robin, or a Thrush or perhaps even a Magpie who lands on a specific spot in their garden or on a nearby tree. Whichever way, their world is often 100 percent slower than those who are younger, or family members who work, or who are busy running after younger family members.

Many who live in a slower world feel frustrated, useless but more importantly, they can, in time, feel they are just being a plain nuisance. All these demoralising thoughts can be the root cause of the frustration or be the reason why they do not contact family members or friends from the past who may still be active or lead busy lives.

Sometimes, the above can also be the main reasons why they choose not to go out, or perhaps numerous falls have made them  lose their confidence to walk even just a few paces, often resulting in a form of fear, or perhaps a fear to cook, or to take those few paces to the tap for a glass of water. Or perhaps they are frightened to drink too much water or indeed to eat too much just in case they have an accident, which they are perhaps not fit enough to tidy up afterwards, resulting again in a massive dent to their inner pride or self esteem or to put it bluntly the embarrassment that such accidents can cause.

Whichever way one looks at it, becoming frail or infirm or aged is a massively difficult stage to not only accept but to adjust to, some never do adjust and others accept it gracefully and others do adjust given time and a mass of understanding from family members and friends.

The one thing we all often forget is for many decades the individuals, who suffer from such conditions mentioned above, spent many a year looking after their juniors, giving them a roof over their heads, food on the table, even when times were perhaps difficult, but one thing for sure is, nine times out of ten, they will always have put their family first before themselves and done the best they possibly could have done for them no matter the circumstances or the personal issues they may have been quietly experiencing themselves.

Think back to when you were a child, your parent/parents spoke to you in a language you understood, they played games that your age could cope with such as kicking a ball, riding a bike or just simple snap! or they took you to events that suited you, no matter whether you were 2, 7,9, or 18 years of age. So using this simple lesson that they showed us for quite a number of years how should we communicate and treat them?

We need to mirror image their lives, with slow encouragement with things that perhaps made them feel good when they were younger, for example, tidy hair or a hint of aftershave/[erfume. It's almost cruel to go into a calm home like a whirlwind in a china shop and expect them to get up, stand up and walk within 2 minutes of entering especially if they are mostly chair bound or do not move for most of the day. Often their bones are brittle and their muscles sore, their heads have often been still for most of the day so moving fast can make them giddy and dizzy.

Another thing to remember is that multiple forms of medication can make the taste buds change resulting in some foods tasting horrible or bland but can also result in certain foods making the individual feel constipated. So, in other words, their favoured meal of decades ago may have been mince and potatoes but this can change, so don't be frightened to try some savoury foods or some simple cooled down lime and crushed ginger cordial instead of tea or coffee.

So here are some simple suggestions that will make things easier and reduce much of the frustration that all family members and friends can feel.

1 Make sure you have an hour to spare.

2 Leave your fast world on their doorstep and pick it up when you leave.

3 Sense their mood and adjust accordingly.

4 Share a cup of something and a nibble with them (humans are social eaters/drinkers) this will increase their liquid and food intake at the same time. 

5 If they doze off, let them, just quietly leave the room and quietly potter in their kitchen popping your head round the door every so often to see if they have come back from their 'power nap'. Often humans feel much more relaxed when someone is with them, so consider their nap a compliment to you visiting them. 

6 Put yourself in their shoes, talk about what they see out of their window, or what makes them feel good. Boost their morale by instilling the importance of their existence albeit their wisdom they pass on to you, your family and any carers that may have to be present on a daily basis. 

7 Take some music along, or some old photographs to leave on their table for their memory bank to be reunited with their past of which many can be lost in the long hours of each day. Remember always that a day in their life can seem like a full month of you being awake, leaving each day to be endless and long-winded. 

8 Don't feel obliged to speak all the time, just sharing half an hour of their silent world can be as important for them as well as much less tiring.

9 Ask them how their carers are, as they can often seem like family members to them, purely due to the fact that they see your relative on a regular basis. Make sure that they are happy with each Carer, and if they are not then DO NOT HESITATE to do your own investigations or insist that a Carer your relative has issues with is changed to someone more compatible. Make sure Carers are also able to adjust to your relatives 'slow' mode and that their weaker sides, or weaker joints are handled with extreme care. In saying this, sadly many staff who work for Care Companies are working against the clock so there can sometimes be a tendency to rush everything leading to frustration and temper changes in your relative. Question serious behavioural changes as this may not be down to the sufferer but instead down to rough handling or too much speed. 

10 If you are employing a Carer, make sure they are compatible with your relative and that there is some interest in common or that the potential Carer has the ability to sense what your relative desires or needs to make them feel good or to hold on to their dignity. 

11 Ultimately always allow the sufferer to have their voice and try not to finish off their sentence for them and try to deter Carers from doing the same.

12 If your friend or relative has had a stroke remember that their nerve endings on the paralysed side can feel electrically static or as sore as a red raw wound so handle these specific joints slowly and gently with perhaps some padding between your hand and their limbs. The paralysed side can also feel cold or have the same sensation as shingles and to ease this discomfort or coldness a warm cashmere or soft shawl or blanket gently placed on the paralysed side can help greatly.

13 Many local Craft Groups create Twiddle Muffs or a Twiddle blanket so investing in one of these can also be a great soother.

 Twiddle Muff link

14 As age or health takes over remember, even if they are asleep or in a coma, subconsciously they can still hear you and feel that stroke of a hand or that kiss on the forehead.

15 Always remember that one day you might not have your wonderful relative/friend, who is filled with bookfuls of wisdom, to visit so treasure every moment. 

On behalf of millions of humans and living creatures who have not been or who are not given 50/50 communication - thank you for taking the time to read this brief post. 

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Returning from a break

Sometimes due to life's hurdles which can be related to health issues, general circumstances or external pressure, we all have to take a break and that break is often, as the saying goes 'as good as a rest'.  But sometimes breaks naturally happen or are domineered by unexpected circumstances, but once things settle down, routines can get back to some form of normality, or sometimes that break makes one realise how a routine perhaps needs or needed to change. 

We would probably all agree that taking a holiday/break can see you returning feeling refreshed or revitalised or the opposite, it can find you even more exhausted than you were before you left, however, after allowing yourself to breathe (this being a necessity in life), life generally goes back to some form of normality and we soon slot back into the mode required of us. Sometimes, however, when we return we have to adjust to new ways, but this takes us back to that massive word 'adjust'. The word that is sometimes so difficult to act upon and to adhere to. But, with the right form of support, whether this is through family or friends, the Health profession or local support through Community Groups, can be done, but often we need to work hard on staying focused and consider all adjustments to be positive as negatives just pull individuals down and can make someones world a dark and gloomy place to be in.

So, on that note, we are pleased to say, we now find we are able to re-slot in time for this Blog and would like to thank you all for your patience. However, there are enough articles in this Blog to keep anyone reading for a while, so perhaps we have not been missed! 

If in the meantime you would like an article on a specific topic or on how to cope given certain circumstances relating to yourself or any pet/animal please feel free to contact us.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

The habits that irritate many - fiddling, tapping feet, swinging on chairs . .

How many of you find the continual tapping of a foot or the swinging on a chair, the fiddling of fingers or the continual tapping of a pencil end on a desk so irritating that you end up shouting at the individual, when in some cases it is not actually the individuals fault.

Pencil tapping

Millions of children all over the world are repeatedly asked to stop fiddling, often because this can disrupt the whole class of kids and the Teacher(s), or because it seems to have become a 'habit' that irritates those close to them for example:

  • Sitting at a table
  • Waiting for a bus
  • Waiting for a meal to arrive
  • At the school desk
  • On a school bus
  • On a  school trip
  • Watching something on T.V.
  • Sitting in the car on a long journey
  • Sitting in 'what seems to them as' boring Company
Often the above are considered rude, inconsiderate and extremely distracting or irritating for others and for some this irritating habit can sadly often result in detention. 

However, as much as these habits seem to be an irritant, actually they are methods that allow some individuals to concentrate, quite the reverse to the thoughts of many. 

This Link connects you to a Website called  Brain Highways if you scroll down to the second page and to the word proprioception, double click it, and sit back and listen to the children's point of view.

So, what does 'proprioception' mean, thanks to Wikipedia: 

"one's own", "individual", and capio, capere, to take or grasp, is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement.

On behalf of those who have a tendency to fiddle or irritatingly tap, please give them a chance and try to understand how their train of thought works in a situation that is often required for them to concentrate. Granted, there are some people who do just do this out of annoyance, but in many cases individuals need to move a limb or to feel the sensation of moving which in turn allows them to concentrate. 

For the individuals who genuinely need to feel this sensation of movement there is a small tool called a fidget cube or a spinner, which could be used under a table or somewhere out of view of other students so that the Teacher or Tutor will not consider them to be a distraction for other students who do not need the sensation of movement to concentrate.  These tools are inexpensive and can give the same sensation as tapping a foot, shaking a leg or swinging on a chair. 

Fidget Cubes

There are many different types of Fidget Cubes or Spinners all available on line at an extremely reasonable cost. 

After using these small tools for  a while it can reduce the need for larger movements but for some individuals these tools can encourage individuals to, over time, stop the need for movement at all.

On behalf of the millions of children who have been shouted at in the past for just this cause, please, give others a chance, understand that they need movement to concentrate, at least until their brain can be trained to do otherwise. 

Thank you

For sufferers of Alzheimer's or Dementia there are also fidget tools, which are called amongst other things, twiddle muffs, you can buy these for men and women as can be seen from the below photographs. These can also help them to concentrate as well as pass many hours of their day away. 

Women's Twiddle Muffs

Mens Twiddle Muffs

On behalf of many individuals who sit all day long with nothing to do, thank you for taking time to read this post

Want better health, then your chemical balance needs you to listen

Medication, Acupuncture, Chinese remedies, Injections, Self medication - and many others are all options for better health, but many of these would not be required if we all listened to the needs of our  'own specific chemical balance'.

Once again we refer back to our old saying ' what happens if you put diesel in to a petrol vehicle? it doesn't run very well! what happens if you put petrol in to a Diesel vehicle? after a very short period of time the vehicle will come to a shuddering stop and the fuel filter and tubes will all need to be cleared or cleaned, similar to our own systems sometimes, we need to flush them out - an uncomfortable process for some, especially if it needs done via the Hospital methods.

Some of the many illnesses caused by the lack of positive foods/liquids being digested or ingested are;

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Alzheimer's 
  • Vascular Dementia
  • I.B.S
  • Indigestion
  • Crohn's
  • Bowel cancer
  • Stomach issues
  • Migraines
  • Feeling permanently bloated
  • Skin irritations
  • Piles
  • Exhaustion
  • Psychosis 

So, why not reduce your health issues or the possibility of any of the above happening to you and start to listen to your chemical balance today and after just a matter of a few weeks start to reap the rewards of better over all health.

Humans are the only animal who buy and consume foods according to what their 'eyes' fancy. A horse, a dog, an elephant and many other birds and wildlife still have the innate ability to utilise 'all animals basic instinct, yet humans have been brain washed by packaging, photographs - just what the producers want, so no matter which way we look at it, what the majority of us eat is purely controlled by the Marketers or perhaps better still by the Artists who create the beautiful photographs on each package. Few consumers actually look at the ingredients, few actually realise the amount of chemicals that are put in to each food available to the human. Very few individuals genuinely realise how brain washed we are to the Stores/ Supermarkets methods of 'how to get their Clients to buy their foods', yet they have ingenious ways of encouraging all to buy 'NEW' products. To summarise all this the majority of humans are 'blinkered' or are being trained, from a young age by the Marketers on what foods to buy - no matter the methods that they utilise in the process. 

Given all the above, sadly, we are also, automatically, training our children and our children's children to automatically assume that this is the only way to buy foods - by the packaging - no matter the ingredients.

Is there therefore that much of a surprise why there is such a massive increase in health issues such as the ones mentioned in the listing above. 

For a moment, let's calculate how long, on average, it takes to shop, as well as the cost, for that, as an example,  quick 'instant Microwave meal'. 

  1. Diesel/petrol to get the the store
  2. The time
  3. The additional things you purchase along with the meal your eyes have decided to buy.
  4. The plastic you have bought along with each article as well as the bag. 
  5. Your time spent in the shop
  6. Your time having a gossip with the people you bump in to along the way. 

Here is an interesting link called 'Grocery Shopping Statistics' 

Ultimately grocery shopping is one of life’s necessary evils — it’s a drain on your wallet and your time but above all often your health suffers because of the type of foods the majority of us are brain washed in to buying! 

Yet, as a simple example, to cook a healthy stir fry, with the correct foods for your system, only  takes approximately 9 minutes. . . . . this is as long as it takes to microwave a 'precooked meal'! the latter of which, nine times out of ten, has many more preservatives in it than the food you can cook in the stir fry for the same amount of time! Now let's add on the time it took you to look at the hundreds of microwaved meals before you finally chose the one you wanted.

A little more information on Microwaved foods: 

  1. More than three billion ready meals were eaten in Britain in 2012
  2. They make up the biggest sector of the UK's £70 billion a year food budget
  3. Food manufacturers carry out little or no preparation of raw ingredients
  4. They buy treated ingredients, mainly frozen or dried, from other companies
  5. Meat, fish and vegetables are kept at sub-zero temperatures for months
  6. But when the food is thawed and cooked it can be marketed as 'fresh'
  7. A ready-meal factory can churn out 250,000 portions a day using 70 different ingredients

Now there's some interesting but perhaps also some frightening information for you! but information that may have triggered your memory from 'foods in the olden days', yes, that's right, the food your Granny used to cook! or maybe even still does, that is if she hasn't been persuaded to buy instant meals by her ' now adult children'! In the olden days if you fell ill, someone would bring you a good healthy pot of homemade soup, or a substantial meal with all natural ingredients in them. 

Our next post will look in to the things we consume from a different angle but in the meantime we will leave you with this photograph to 'digest'! 

Until the next time, thinking what you eat will allow your over all health to improve, so, start to sow the seed for a healthier future for your children and the Processing Factories will have no option but to stop producing foods with a mass of negative chemicals which ultimately are creating an incredibly unhealthy world. 

Saturday 1 April 2017

Help those who live in fear

Far too many people live in fear, 
Far too many people lack in confidence,
It's also very clear, 
Far too many people suffer in silence.

Please give others an extra thought, 
Don't assume they are just like you, 
Consider their lives may be extremely fraught,
So, before you assume a thought or two, 

Watch and listen and show you care,
For you never know you might just help
some one to stop living in fear.

Friday 10 February 2017

The future health of the Earth is in the hands of our children not ours

As much as all that adults are doing just now to make the earth a healthier place to live in for all, the future of the earth is in the hands of our children and our children's children. But the children of today are being shown to follow our foot print, so basically we are producing clones of ourselves. This being the case, if we continue to create 'our' clones then the earth will undoubtedly be a much worse place to live in as the years go on.

So what is cloning doing - the long and the short of it is -  kids are absorbing creatures, they have the ability to absorb their surroundings like sponges to water,  so if they experience any of the below they accept that these actions/habits are acceptable/normal and healthy, when in reality they are clearly but without any of the below all living creatures, the world  or the Earth would be a much healthier place. 

  1. War 
  2. Poaching 
  3. Fighting
  4. Spraying the land with chemicals
  5. Digesting junk food and drink
  6. The ingestion of chemicals created by humans
  7. Abusive/negative behaviour
  8. Polluting the land, air and sea
  9. Destroying animals (who, unknown to them, some are nearing extinction)
  10. The cruelty which animals have to endure in laboratories.
  11. The cruelty which animals have to endure to be used for human entertainment or for financial gain all over the world 
So the wake up call is clear to see, but how many of you are going to start acting on de-cloning our children of today and tomorrow.

What needs to happen? perhaps some of the following would put a true light on the state of the Earth, the animals, the humans, the Air, Land and Sea would be a good place to start.

  1. Stop protecting your children from reality
  2. Start to show them videos of the true state of the Air, Land and Sea
  3. Start to show them the true experiences of laboratory animals and all animals who are used for human entertainment
  4. Ask them what they think and whether it is truly worthwhile making these animals suffer
  5. Show them the natural life of these same animals
  6. Start to show them the real life experiences of those families destroyed or separated through war times
  7. Ask them how they think this could be stopped - Children often have the answer needed long before an adult does! 
  8. Start to show them the true experiences of those who suffer from abuse/mental manipulation
  9. Ask them how they think this could be stopped
  10. Show them videos of sea life being destroyed by the ingestion of plastics or being  caught in masses of tangled plastic
  11. Show them living examples of a healthy life under the sea
  12. Ask them how this can be increased worldwide
  13. Show them true poverty in different parts of the world
  14. Perhaps they might decide they don't want to live in a life that exists purely by the 'need for greed'  but instead live a life where 'need to care' comes first. 
Naturally it is up to each parent whether  they bring up their children/youth in a 'protected bubble' or not, but doing this is not going to help the long term state of the Earth or indeed the Earths creatures or indeed the health of the same, instead it will just increase the injustice, the ever increasing health issues for all but more importantly the negative health of the Earth. 

Why not take a few moments out once a week to show your children the darker side of the world, the world that many don't even know exists, for it is not us who can truly make a difference in the humans footprint of the planet, it's our children of today and tomorrow, all we can do is plant the seed. 

Here are a few links -

              There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

                 There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

               There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

              There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

         There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

             There are many more examples, encourage your children to do their own research with you

Take a look at the above yourself and ask yourself,  do you want your kids to live in a worse environment than what it is at present? because that is the way the world is going, if you don't, then we all need to make the adults of tomorrow aware so that they can start to change the footprint we have left behind. 

It is humans that have created such negativity in the world and it is only humans that can rectify their massive mistakes.  But this needs to be done or acted upon sooner rather than later.

For the sake of your children and all living creatures having a healthier future thank you for taking time to read this post. 

Monday 6 February 2017

Your help is needed. . . NOW

These kind of photographs indeed makes many weep, but not enough, otherwise there would be none of this mental or physical 
abuse of the animal kingdom.

However, in saying that, every Country is just about as bad as each other,  America, Britain, France, it's not just the Eastern Countries. Many countries are as bad with the amount of animals cruelly slaughtered, where employees have to leave their mobile phones upon entry to their working environment or premises! The amount of Laboratories using endless amount of dogs and monkeys caged, wired up, many with metal digital contraptions dug into their heads, tubes preventing the animal from moving, those poor muscless creatures who rarely get exercise or who never see day light. Then there are the various Cults and Religions brutalising animals/humans in unused and hidden from sight old buildings . . yet what animals abuse humans in this way? Was it humans who created the Universe, or Nature? What right does any human have to victimise and abuse any animal. Humans are no different to any other living creature, yet we think we should abuse not only animals, but the air, the land and the sea . . O dear, how are humans going to manage to correct all their negative actions towards this planet Earth!

Below is a poster to give you a few suggestions, please do feel free to add some more. 

In the meantime, thank you for taking time to read this and feel free to share or read it through with your family.

On behalf of all who have and are being abused as you read this. or those who are being encouraged to do negative movements all for human greed.

Thank you.

Please encourage your families, your children, your nieces and nephews, or your pupils and students to look after the planet Earth from here on in, without their help and support in the years to come Earth will be non existent and we will have chased or killed all the animals in to extinction. Continue mistreating the Earth, and it's living creatures and we kill ourselves in the process.

Friday 18 November 2016

Reduce Depression and Mental Health issues the healthier way from day one.

Far too many people are suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health issues . . many are given medication in an attempt to solve these issues, or as some would put it ' to pause/freeze the issues' but sadly, as soon as the medication is stopped some of these health issues return, others suffer in silence, burning away inside for far too long or live in denial or are ruled by fear or the voices within.

Many individuals are sent to see this Doctor or another Doctor, this Psychiatrist then another, or this Social Worker or the next, or one C.P.N then another. Each time the sufferer usually has to repeat their experiences over and over again, not just over a period of days but months and, sadly, often years. Some of these methods do not work, instead they can do more damage to the mental state of the sufferer resulting in complete despondency and with little trust that anyone out there can actually help which can make the sufferer feel that 'no-one' out there truly understands them or even tries to understand their language or train of thought. 

Depending on how low the sufferer has managed to get to or how well they cope/or don't cope with issues these individuals are often prescribed medication to calm them down, this is all fair and well for that moment in time, but this method does not teach the sufferer how to cope with issues in their future, instead it often teaches them to find some form of substance that will give them the same sensation as the medication previously prescribed, ultimately, giving them a false illusion of the issues in hand and leaving their coping strategies just about non existent.

Here are a few simple hints to help, all of which can be encouraged by friends and families or relations from as young as being a day old baby. However, for those who suffer at an older age, sometimes immediate family can be too close to the sufferer and a third party is the better option, perhaps someone who they respect or someone who has a quiet but positive  way of reinforcing 'self confidence' and positive thinking.

Sadly, the signs of such health issues are not caught at the early stages, but if they are or can be, then they would not escalate to such a dire state leaving many an individual feeling rejected from Society and their Community. 

Before we go on much further we would ask you to take a few moments out to read these two poems which explains how some people feel and the kind of help they need to live a healthier life as well as being accepted in to the Community without being labelled or feeling that dreadful sense of rejection which can often make some become so ostracised that they rarely go over their front doorstep.

Please, help someone today . . try to:

  • Reduce verbal communication as often these poor sufferers have been suffocated by words
  • Stop criticising and give positive praise instead.
  • Invite a sufferer to go for a peaceful walk away from the buzz of crowds of people then gradually start to walk in slightly busier areas. 
  • Comfort zones - If a conversation can be had with them talk about the things they did as a child, what sweets they used to eat, what their favourite carry out was, did they have a family dog - if so take your dog the next time. Or perhaps you could ask them where they used to go as a family. The latter might give such results as the beach, or the top of  a specific hill top or riverside. In which event perhaps involve them with a walk in a similar looking area the next time. Perhaps purchase a packet of the sweets they talked about or treat them to ' their childhood memory Carry out. 
  • If the sufferer is one of your kids, the temptation to say things such as 
    • You look awful
    • Your room is a mess
    • You could at least help around the house more
    • However all these little negative comments build up very quickly towards a lack of self esteem and a huge lack of confidence leaving the Sufferer feeling even more lousy than they were before. 
In the event that someone comes in anxious, hypersensitive or verging on the side of a mental wobbly or break down here are a few things you can do to diffuse the situation:

  • Do not be aggressive  because as all that this will do is trigger aggression with in them
  • Reduce verbal conversation
  • Make them a comforting drink and leave it somewhere for them to see, then leave them alone or say 'I'll be through there if you want me' 
  • Pop back after 5 minutes or so with one of their favourite biscuits
  • Put some soothing music on in another room
  • Make the lighting in the room soft
  • Don't suffocate them with your presence
  • Say to them you are going out to the garden to potter and suggest they come out to join  you if they wish.The peace and quiet of nature in a garden or during a walk can be instantly calming. 
  • Make sure you are working somewhere close to the window of the room they are sitting at so you can keep a quiet eye on them.
  • Once the individual has calmed down, encourage them to have an early night but place a hot water bottle in their bed this is a comforting tool'
  • If a lack of sleep has been the trigger of this behavioural blip, then it is important that the sufferer tries to get out of the habit of sleeping through the day because this can escalate the mental state of health
  • Usually after some peace and quiet, sleep and a good meal then the sufferer begins to feel what they classify as 'normal' 
  • Leave them to sleep until about 10, then gradually wake them up 
  • Leave a written list of activities or jobs that you would like them to do to help you and leave it at that. But they must be simple jobs, ones that are not too physical
  • During the next day, give the sufferer some space.
Our next post will give various suggestions if immediate support is needed.                                                                                                                                                                                                             In the meantime please help someone become part of your Community.    

On behalf of millions of people - thank you for taking time to read this post.       

Thursday 27 October 2016

Diet sheets geared for individuals specific chemical balances / health issues are working a treat - quick resumé

It is always so concerning when Clients come to us with so many health issues, the majority having been created by the things they have eaten for decades or, sadly, some are also a roll on effect from medication or triggered by emotional health issues. 

It doesn't matter whether you have IBS, Insomnia, Bowel issues, that bloated feeling, over tiredness, skin issues, depression or anxiety, hyper activity or a lack in energy but what we consume on a daily basis is the engine/backbone to the way our bodies work. 

Food these days is so created for speed or convenience and treated with various chemicals to give it a longer shelf life as well as additional flavourings being added to it which will also extend its' life on the consumers shelves/fridges. Even fruit and vegetables are not as they used to be with many now coming in to this country totally 'green' and then treated to speed up the ripening process! so take just these few comments and add them together and what on earth are these things doing to our insides . .  well, not an awful lot apart from giving us many health issues and reactions to specific products. 

When you consider that every animal, unless it's one from your own  back yard, is fed on barley or wheat of one sort or the other, is it truly surprising that there are now so many individuals ( and animals) who are having a reaction to Gluten, Barley or indeed Oats! 

The People who come to us for guidance, more often than not, have suffered health issues for years and indeed have been under their Doctors for these varying health issues for same quantity of years but to no avail . .  yet, once having started on their diet sheets just after 2 days changes, for the better, are clearly noted! 

Is it that the Medical profession are so geared to  giving out Medication to 'pause'  or to freeze the various health issues until the medication is stopped,  or is it a case of, in many cases, the Medical profession have become so detailed in their lab testings that they have forgotten the basics! or is it that they are controlled by the Pharmaceutical Companies which ultimately make millions each year encouraging their Doctors (or underlings) to prescribe medication as a lucrative business!

Which ever way, it is sad that they do not seem to be realising that each individual has their own specific chemical balance! for example .. you might be a diabetic, so you stick to the list the Doctor or Dietitian gave  you. But they seem to totally forget about the natural sugars in, for example some fruits and vegetables and that they could be triggering dips in your sugar levels. Carrots for example are one of the most unhealthiest vegetables out, yet raspberries are one of the healthiest fruits, or the natural sugar content in a yellow pear is totally different to that of a green pear, with this in mind of course each fruit or vegetable is going to have a different reaction on each individual - no matter the health issue.

To see our Client's sheer delight as soon as they start to feel better is wonderful as it's not only a massive relief for them and their families as their lives resume to as it was often decades before, but it is clear that they can return to enjoying their life again. 

The same applies to the animals who have had issues for lengthy periods of time, to see the change in them is wonderful, especially as they are voiceless and can only show their true state of health by the glint in their eye or the condition of their skin or hair. But above all for their owners, it is a massive relief that their often longstanding buddy/faithful friend can return to bouncing around and being content again. 

We don't dispute that medication does come in useful but it is clear that these days this form of treatment is far too heavily relied on at the first on set of health issues. 

We must remember always, we are what we eat, and if what we eat has been tampered with by introducing various chemicals in the processing plants, then there lies the problem for many of our present daily, monthly and annual health issues. 

'I was constantly trying to ease my discomfort with ginger or mint, it has been truly fab no cramps and having to run for the nearest toilet'

'What a difference my diet sheet has made, I haven't felt as good as this in years'

'Never did I think that changing what I ate would make such a difference, it's been great, my life has returned to normal'

'I was diagnosed with stage 4 Bowel Cancer, and changed my diet and I am still here to tell the tale - much to my Doctor's amazement'

'My skin was blotchy for years, my hair thin and always falling out, but after changing my diet and many of the cosmetic products I used to use I can now go out without feeling embarrassed, I don't have to hide my skin with make-up any more or cover up my white marked nails, I feel normal'

'If only the rest of the world realised if we consume negative foods and liquids then our health will suffer'

'If more people listened to their inner system or started on a Bespoke diet for their own health problems, then there would not be nearly so many 'negative' foods on the Supermarket shelves'

'I can't believe the difference in my dog, she had been ill for years, on numerous different sorts of medication - costing a fortune in the process, yet, just after a matter of days of feeding her the suggested diet for her specific issues she started to improve dramatically. So many of us seem to be brainwashed by the Medical profession or perhaps we should all consider using alternative methods, especially if the chosen Medical Professions Methods are not working'

'I can now eat when for months I could not - all thanks to changing to me Bespoke Diet, I feel alive again'

' I  wish I had known what I know  now years ago, I wouldn't have had all the discomfort I have had to go through - thank you so much for making me aware of ' we are what we eat''

If you wish to find out more or would like a Bespoke Diet sheet created for your specific health issue or for your pets Health problem do contact us and we will guide you forward. 

In the meantime, please do consider the food you are buying, take a few moments just to read the ingredients, or if you are struggling to find a shampoo that suits your scalp - take a look at the ingredients and then ask your self why you are having trouble in the first place! 

The saying ' The answer my friend is blowing in the wind' rings a bell here, but let's just change the words slightly 'The answer friends is in the ingredients we eat' and that is, dear friends,  'The sum and substance of life as we see and live it in what seem to be 'the fast lane of eating today'.

Sadly, the Producers, Marketers and the Powers that be will not change this, the only individuals that can help to change what is put on the Super market shelves is the people on the ground, yes, that's you, the individuals who buy off the shelves in the first place.

Christmas is coming up, and this is indeed one of the main times of year when people suffer from many digestive issues . .. why not make this year the first one ever that does not end up with you either being in bed, or feeling ill or continually having that 'bloated feeling'. You will not regret it one bit.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Diffuse the angry and grumpy and the whole world will start to smile

Diffuse the angry and grumpy, 
Support the sad and happy
and the whole world will start to smile . .  

The pollution humans have created is killing all living creatures - Help to change this.

We often forget all the pollution, we as humans put on the planets' land, in the air and sea as well as the chemicals that, out of greed and convenience, we (as a race) put in to just about every product available, can have a roll on effect on animals as well as humans. Not to mention the hurt, the pain and emotional upset that each family Member or animal owner experiences as they watch their loved ones dying of this illness or the other.

We, as humans, are clearly proving that the pollution we have created or the damage we have done to the world has created the multitude of health issues that now inflict millions of humans and animals on an hourly and daily basis.

We tend to forget that Holistic forms of treatment can help all living creatures. Dogs, horses, elephants, cats, sheep, goats to name just a few. Using these techniques also reduces the amount of medication that each animal (and human) are, often, automatically given, again with many a negative side effect

At times there is of course a need for medication, but if we were to all listen to our inner needs and become aware of what is positive and negative for our individual chemical balances then many of the illnesses we have to day would not exist.

Until we all become aware that, at present, it's the Marketers, the Producers, The Powers that be and the Pharmaceutical Companies who are controlling what we absorb, ingest and digest, or realise that it is us, the people on the ground, who can change what is available on our shelves, then many of today's illnesses will continue to rise for not only humans but all animals as well.

By changing what you or your animal eat or drink, by realising that each of us has a different chemical balance and that Bespoke Diet Sheets can be created for the majority of health issues which results in all animals over all health, both physically and mentally, improving ten fold.

So, whether you or your animals suffer from IBS, Skin issues, Depression, Anxiety, Bowel issues, Stomach issues or indeed just day to day tiredness or insomnia . . re think your whole outlook, take a genuine look at all the ingredients on that next 'speedy' meal you buy, or consider those 'delicious looking' but bitter sweet Strawberries, or consider the type of sugar that is in the next extremely orange coloured carrot you buy or the stain that your morning coffee leaves on your mug!

It's up to us to encourage healthier options on the supermarket shelves or else we can just continue to let the Powers that be dictate what we absorb, eat and drink. Stop buying negative foods and those supermarkets will have no option but to stop selling them.

All living creatures have a right to live a healthy life, are you prepared to help to reinstate a healthier world for all.

Forth coming topics

It's been a busy Season here with animals of various sorts, humans, peoples experiences, a trip to India and much more and we look forward to bringing you more posts in the near future on; 

Our Health is a mirror image of the world humans have created

Focusing on your  dream


Involving our respected  Elders

The importance of Silence in comparison with Verbal Diarrhoea

Mind over Matter

The Power of India

The benefits of Bespoke Diet sheets

The benefits of 50/50 communication for all

How to reduce pollution in each household

Monday 20 June 2016

The main complaints for the Ombudsman - 61% NHS - what could improve this figure . . .

As strong believers in '50/50 communication works every time whether it be for a human, an elephant, a dog, a horse, a sheep, a cat or indeed a cow, we actively try to encourage everyone we come across to use these extremely simple methods. 

This small post has been written to help and encourage others to use it as well and we hope that once you have started using it on a daily basis that many more living creatures will not feel so controlled, threatened or intimidated by the 'negative behavior of human kind whether via voice or physical actions.

This method does not promote; 

  • '100/10 understanding'
  • 'In the face' ordering
  • 'Aggressive' behavior
  • 'Domineering and intimidating conversations'
  • 'Restraint'
  • 'Bribery and corruption'
  • 'An aggressive eye'
  • 'Verbally threatening and loud language'
  • 'Dictatorial leadership, decision making'
  • 'Unhealthy diets'

This method does promote;

  • 50/50 understanding and communication
  • 'Kindness'
  • 'Patience'
  • 'Equal/fair and acceptable' decision making'
  • 'Each individuals latent talents to come to the fore'
  • 'Individual decision making'
  • 'The ability for  all to ask and to communicate in a non threatening way in an acceptable environment.
  • 'Turning negative actions/situations  in to positive actions/situations for all involved'
  • 'Healthy foods for each individual'
  • 'To walk their walk and talk their talk'
The beauty of these simple suggestions is that each of them immediately makes a difference to the suffering individual and once you start to use them on a daily basis, it becomes automatic therefore every individual you come across feels lighter, all thanks to the way you have communicated with them.

So what has an elephant picture got to do with either of the lists above . . . . .  well, it explains it in one, especially for those who would feel intimidated by standing along side such a large majestic creature (n.b. note this person is not standing in front, or behind but at the side - this being the only way that is totally non intimidating for the animal).

Let's just jump back to the human world for a moment, how many families and patients both 'long and short term' feel intimidated by some of the present methods of control used within the Social Care/Health Service or indeed other Professions, or how many patients feel intimidated by one person, or are given medication which often makes them feel intimidated by the methods used? or how many individuals are given medication that actually only freezes/pauses the problem until the medication is stopped rather than succeeding in grasping the issue wholeheartedly, and turning it around towards a more positive long term plan but ultimately in to a healthier future for the individual as an individual.

But the most concerning thing at the moment are the amount of people who feel so intimidated by others and Professions that they are too frightened to complain or just accept the negative behavior as part of the course. With this in mind, if everyone actually complained about the Service being given to their MP's or the Ombudsman's the statistics would probably sit closer to 80% rather than the stated 61%. 

So what other things within similar Professions have you perhaps noticed;

  • An individual not being fed enough
  • An individual being regularly dehydrated
  • An individual regularly having urine infections
  • An individual not being given sufficient personal hygiene attention
  • An individual constantly having heel/bed sores
  • An individual feeling frightened of Staff or one Member in particular 
  • An individual who suddenly become introverted
  • An individual suddenly becoming tearful.
To be honest, the list is endless and we are sure you could add many more things to this.

Whether an individual is in short term or  long term care, elderly or young each have a right to be treated with respect, and that right should be carried out no matter what. 

However, sadly, this does not happen all the time and that is when the going gets tough for Families and Friends as well as the person who is at the core of the temporary or full time issue.

In the first instance we would like every one to use and encourage our suggestions within others:

The only way forward for a happier life for all is ;

  • 50/50 understanding and communication
  • 'Kindness'
  • 'Patience'
  • 'Equal/fair and acceptable' decision making'
  • 'Each individuals latent talents to come to the fore'
  • 'Individual decision making'
  • 'The ability for  all to ask and to communicate in a non threatening way and in an acceptable environment.
  • 'Turning negative actions/situations  in to positive actions/situations for all involved'
  • 'Healthy foods for each individual'
  • 'To walk their walk and talk their talk'
  • 'TLC'

However, if you feel you would like to complain about an issue we are going to insert a few links, some are lengthy to read but worth it. However, your first port of call should with be your own family or Carers to discuss and note down issues at hand. From there, with concrete evidence attached, create a letter or make an appointment with the Department the suffering individual is under or with. Await to see how they take the issues forward. If you are still unhappy about the situation then you could assess the following links. 

At the end of this attachment there is a list of addresses if you feel a complaint is needed against a unit for any form of mal-practice . .

or if you don't feel the service above has been acceptable try this one .

on top of these we would suggest you also write to your MP

Then an additional place to put a complaint in would be

Finally some interesting reading on the Ombudsman

On behalf of many who will struggle in the future unless some of the present systems change, or for those who are presently struggling, we all need to help make the world more accommodating for all. However, sometimes, sadly, this means that we need to put in some form of a complaint. 

Above all, please remember, everyone has had a past, has an interest, they have, like us all, worked hard, and each are happy to see and talk about the happy times and to be treated as you would like to be treated.

Living creatures are like a wall,
that sometimes crumbles and falls.
 It takes a builder, water and mortar 
to build that wall back up, 
but for a living creatures' fall
it takes a heart, silence and kindness, that's all. 

Thank you for taking time to read this post.