Thursday, 24 January 2013

Gaviscon /Rennies etc etc

Gaviscon / Rennies etc

How many adverts do we see for this type of medication to calm the stomach from feelings of 'burning' and 'pain' etc - as the adverts rightly say - each stomach reacts differently to each foodstuffs -  why not solve it altogether - learn to eat what is good for your individual stomach and you will rarely have to take medication again - unless you cheat that is . . . . If every one realised  that reducing our intake of 'easy' medication will have a positive reaction on our 'long term' health, and the healthier our offspring will be long term.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

A tribute to "Juanita"

This is a lovely, although emotional, tribute to courageous 'Juanita" a little horse whose spirit is now strong and galloping free - created by her owner - another horse who touched the hearts of many -

A Tribute to "Juanita" a very special little horse - a much loved Mother, soon to be Granny and a very gentle member of the Equine world - "thank you Juanita"

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Post and Pre operations - Colorectal Cancer specifically

Post operations / Colorectal cancer in particular

Having read an article this morning on Colorectal Cancer Patients we have been asked by one of our Clients who suffered from Colorectal Cancer to inform you of his thoughts so that it might help give you guidance and a better way of life - pre and post op. He wants to stress how important it was/is for him to  . . . . . . .  Link

Pharmaceutical Companies / The Medical Profession / Natural / Self help

We live in a Pharmaceutical Companies Market!


"It's a pharmaceutical world"

Pharmaceutical Companies / Medical Profession / Natural help

Having watched a T.V. programme last night on Pharmaceutical Companies it  confirmed that our world seems to be turning upside down! and that's putting it mildly 

1   In reality it seems our Health and the Medical world is governed by, in order: 

  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • The Medical Profession 
  • Natural / Self Help 
2   Do you feel it should be :
  • Natural /Self help
  • The Medical Profession
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
3   Or do you feel 
  • all three should be working together
4   If you knew of a way of discovering whether you actually NEEDED to take medication or if another form of treatment could be a better choice or if you had no option but to take medication and had the option of three different drugs and had the ability to know WHICH one was best for your health issue, would you take it?

If Pharmaceutical Companies make you feel anxious then we would  be interested to hear your opinion -  


If you would like further information email : Enquiries / Medication 

Monday, 14 January 2013

Some sugars are known to feed or trigger illnesses

It's becoming a known fact that certain sugars, both manufactured and natural (found within some fruits and vegetables) can have a negative effect on our health with regards depression, migraines, behavioural aspects, skin and dietary  -  Clients have often said 'you can't take chocolate out of my diet'.  Knowing that it is horrible 'being without' something you have been used to having we always try to find an alternative food product, i.e. a positive coffee/chocolate for that persons individual chemical balance. Some chocolate has been a minus for quite a number of our Clients between 1997 to date where as some come up as being positive for most. You may remember a few years ago a particular chocolate bar was changed from a foil wrapper with a paper wrapper on top to square in shape but with a totally foiled packet. Whether these two different bars were manufactured in a different place or different sugar/cocoa or milk were used, for some of our clients the totally foiled packeted one came up as negative! but the paper one was okay. Even to this day the totally foiled bar comes up as a negative for some individuals!

If you would like to know what is good for your chemical balance press here

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Murphy the Springer Spaniel

Murphy, our Springer had been in and out of the Dick Vet for his illness. He was extremely weak each time and and was placed on a drip which saw a bit of improvement. The Dick Vet said that he was very ill so I took him on one of his favourite walks, very slowly, thinking it would be the last time I'd be able to walk with him  . . . . . .  Link 

Lauder Lass the horse who touches many a heart

Lauder Lass the Horse who touched the hearts of many

All the drawings and poems were created by her visitors

In memory of all those who have suffered and continue to live in fear

Acid reflux Case study

Case Study C -  ACID REFLUX

A lady suffering from severe Acid reflux who preferred to find a solution to fix it without taking medication and who sought guidance from us

After being introduced to Judi I was taught how to find out which food stuffs would react with my system and which wouldn't. It's been great, I know exactly what to eat now and only suffer if I over indulge at a Restaurant - I always regret it and say I'll never do it again - Judi's reply ' Well - it's your body!

Don't expect much sympathy from Judi if you cheat!

Dog 82 : Severe skin issue

Skin issue totally cleared up with a strict diet sheet

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Coming Soon

Coming soon : 

  1. Examples of foods that are good for some but not for others
  2. Other areas this techinque as helped 
  3. Testimonials - relating to humans and animals
  4. Animals who have been given a second chance before being put down and who have survived

Personal workshops / 1 - 1 training

To find out more or for further guidance or information on Group workshops email :

Help yourself and others