Depression / Anxiety in animals can be triggered in exactly the same way as humans can be as well as the following -
- An emotional trauma
- The loss of a loved one
- Moving home
- Eating something off the street
- A visual reminder of something that happened in their past
- Food intolerance (too many e's!)
- A person with in the family leaving home
- A car accident
- Particular sounds of loud noises
- Physical body language
- Smells
- A specific tone of a voice
- A daunting experience
There are many other reasons why Animals react, if you can help your animals to over come their fear - would you do it? If you could find your way to helping them this will not only assist them to have a more enjoyable life but will make others understand why they sometimes react in the way that they do and at the very best it will allow you to encourage others to counterbalance other animals negatives resulting in contentment all round.
It doesn't matter what type of animal you have - whether it be a kitten or an elephant many need a bit of extra support, guidance and understanding - Please give them this extra special chance.
Often if humans don't think an Animal can overcome an issue they are shot (the sound of that bullet will stay with you forever by the way) or put to sleep - on behalf of those animals whose life span has been dictated by humans or have had to be put down before their time , please, please give our living animals this unique chance of communicating with you so that they can explain to you what it is THEY need - instead of us dictating to them what WE think they need.
On behalf of our Animals of tomorrow - Thank you