Tuesday, 22 October 2013

A concrete pen or this . . .

Which would you prefer a confined area or this . . . https://vimeo.com/77438504 - we know what we would choose - Humans need to stop dictating what THEY think is right for animals - - -

As for all Elephants -  we must support them in any way we can - holistically or otherwise . . . help us spread their voice - and stop their eyes being filled with oceans of emotions . . . thank you

7,400 views here - terrific

How wonderful to have had 7,400 views from all over the world,let's hope many more animals will be allowed their voice and a healthier life style   . . . . thank you one and all for giving them a chance.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

We are in the process of Re-branding . . .

Dear All,

Over the last number of weeks we have had the absolute privilege of working with/alongside a wonderful Business Coach. This experience has actively enabled us to passionately re-think and re-focus our energies in terms of the Health and Well-being of Humans and Animals as a working business model . A model that will allow us to stick to our values as well as specialise in our favoured 'unique skills'.

To achieve this we are in the process of re-branding our business. We have chosen specific products and services which we feel will continue to develop and evolve providing healing and support for all.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the depth of this challenge or experience and now our Business Coach is making us drive to marketing our Products/Services. …. our journey of spreading our work further for the benefit of all Humans and Animals continues!

We feel so touched that so many people are so passionately supporting us in this movement but also that so many have benefited from their experience with us or via our Services on offer.

Feel free to check out our Website www.naturesphysician.com and our facebook page for additional information or details.

In the meantime, over the next few days we hope to have all our various networking resources linked together so that easier access can be had by all.

Please do comment and share so that many more individuals can benefit from better all round health.

As always we wish you the best of health, happiness and confidence in all areas of your lives.

Nature's Physician  facebook page 

Monday, 14 October 2013

Ignore or help a fallen individual . . .

How many times do you see people walk by someone who has fallen . . . . no matter the age if someone falls it always surprises us how many people just walk on by . . . . saddened by a most recent fall when an elderly lady had fallen at a curb edge with on coming traffic afoot, although initially a bit too far away to get there first, on running towards her 8 passers by were spotted and not one stopped to help. . . . disgusted at this we felt it only fair to ask everyone who reads this post to give a fallen person a thought.  . . . . and to imagine how you would feel if you had fallen and no one came to help

Upon a fall no matter the age, and whether an animal or human, we always immediately try and get straight back up again - the animal instinct within us we guess. This particular elderly lady was clearly a bit shocked, but was also an independent person and tried to convince us that she was fine and said " I just live across the road" with almost a fear in her voice.  Another lady had appeared at this stage to help her get up so only two out of many helped her rise to her feet.

Concerned for this lady she was helped across the road to her house entrance and in she went.

The saddest thing of all was the conversation we had with the other helper -" isn't it sad these days few people actually ask for help because of the amount of fear there is of the Public" - what a sad state we live in, perhaps the next time you see someone fall, offer them a 'silent' bit of help so that they don't feel pressurized in to having to get up and go straight away straight away- at least until they gather themselves together, find a seat or a 'substitute' seat, let them sit there for while, with you, until you know they are looking healthy enough to be allowed to go their own way.

Let us try our bit to help the Public become more helpful or supportive of all who may well be worse off or who may take a tumble in their book of life -  thank you for taking time to read this Post.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Wish it . . .

 If you have succeeded in doing this why not take time out and give a little bit of your time to help some one else achieve the same - on behalf of those who may be struggling - thank you

Don't forget . . . .

Just a wee Monday morning message for all who have liked our page so far - remember the sun will always shine through for you even on a rainy day, we just sometimes have to look for something that warms our heart in a similar fashion until the sun is visual - perhaps something like a tweeting bird or the sound of the rustling leaves on a tree, but given patience the sun always returns.

May you find strength when you feel weak and may you give strength to those who feel weak.

Don't forget if you've got a problem we are here to help . . .So, don't be pulled down with acid reflux, bowel issues, skin issues, anxiety, and in the same token please, don't let your pet or animal be dragged down by the same.

Have a wonderful week and remember there is always goodness in everyone, sometimes they just have to be gently re-directed!