With the known increase in Humans suffering from Diabetes we are also discovering and concerned that more and more animals all over the world (grazers included) are experiencing a sugar intolerance, although some may not be diagnosed as Diabetic via traditional methods but by our results many of the skin issues, abscesses as well as behavioral traits are being resolved by reducing specific foods and liquids in their diets.
This also applies to animals kept in captivity who manage to reach food debris left behind by their visitors. Elephants, as an example, are particularly notorious for managing to reach such empty packages which often causing blockages as well as a chemical imbalances.
Thanks to working with a horse in Australia this evening we came across an article this evening on Diabetes in Australia -
www.diabetesaustralia.com In this article quote " Indigenous Australians are 3 times more likely to have type 2 diabetes compared to non-Indigenous Australians. This number of people with diabetes is even higher for those Indigenous Australians living in remote areas. . . . . " if this is the case then animals should also be included in this equation.
We have come across many cats, dogs, cows, bulls, horses and rabbits (as well as humans of course) with specific sugar intolerance's and feel that such an intolerance should be considered more often prior to pharmaceutical medication being given which more often than not just masks health issues.
If you would like your animal checked out please do contact us and we will assess any intolerance's that he/she could have.
Often emotional traumas and indeed medication in itself or the mixing of medication can trigger chemical imbalances resulting in certain sugar/food/liquid reactions within an individuals system.The other aspect that must be taken in to account is the fact that Diabetes or a sugar intolerance could run in the family.
Please give your animal and yourself a chance, let your body tell you what it needs and what it doesn't.
Let us all start to listen to our own needs and as a result of this lead a healthier life by reducing our own and our pets intake of toxins.
On behalf of many - thank you
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Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Let's think about all small and wild breeding animals
How many of us have horses/dogs/cats and other animals casting their hair at this time of year . . . millions.
How many of us get fed up of all the hair that we brush off our pets and larger animals . . . millions
How many small animals desperately want a warm nest for their young . . . trillions
How many of us put all dead hair in to a bucket . . . . zillions
Let's stop putting dead hair in the bucket and brush all our pets outside . . let nature play it's part and within 24 hours all the hair you removed will have disappeared and be the home for many small creatures . . .
thank you
How many of us get fed up of all the hair that we brush off our pets and larger animals . . . millions
How many small animals desperately want a warm nest for their young . . . trillions
How many of us put all dead hair in to a bucket . . . . zillions
Let's stop putting dead hair in the bucket and brush all our pets outside . . let nature play it's part and within 24 hours all the hair you removed will have disappeared and be the home for many small creatures . . .
thank you
Inbetweenie time . . . an earlier post . .
In view of our previous post where we were asking someone in the world to guide us on Wordpress 2014 we decided to re-post an older article on 'inbetweenie time', which is a time when many talented people find themselves at cross roads but who could benefit from getting their teeth in to something . . . perhaps you know of someone who could benefit from joining our team, they could not only benefit from sharing our workload but their animals and their families could benefit from our knowledge on Health and Well-Being for all animals (humans included).
We are all completely passionate about giving all living creatures, old and young a voice and choice of their own, if you share the same passion and would like to help others feel free to email us at this link We look forward to hearing from you.
We are all completely passionate about giving all living creatures, old and young a voice and choice of their own, if you share the same passion and would like to help others feel free to email us at this link We look forward to hearing from you.
Help needed - are you clued up on Wordpress 2014 and . . .
One of our wonderful Clients had an ingenious idea and we would like to share it with you.
During a conversation we were saying to H, that we are in the process of updating our Website but unlike previous wordpress programmes, we were having trouble understanding Wordpress 2014, her comments were ' well, for all the articles, kindness and help you have given to people and animals why not see if anyone out there can help you, after all you have nearly 13,000 viewers on this blog and not once have you asked for help with any of these issues, there must surely be someone out there who could return half your kindness" feeling humbled at that idea but also with us having a stubborn streak we said " no, no we will manage, but having posted a request for another Client yesterday and to manage to get her a result within 24 hours we thought, well, you know there is no harm in trying so here we go . . .
"We are wondering if you know of any one who is particularly experienced with Wordpress 2014 and who might have a couple of hours to spare to help us. If so would you be so kind as to email us by pressing this link (Nature'sPhysician) or add a comment at the end of this posting.
This request could suit someone who is either retired, knowledgeable about Wordpress, filled with ingenious ideas and perhaps with an artistic flare, or perhaps someone who is clued up in the same, but for some reason is off work at the moment, or perhaps a student who needs a project for an exam or experiencing 'inbetweenie time' . . this could be your chance to help create something truly wonderful with the result of us all being able to help more animals and humans in this wide and massive world we live in.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this request for help. Feel free to look at some of our previous posts and if any are of specific interest to you and something that you would like to be part of feel free to contact us for further information.
You would also be welcome to join us if you would like to find yourself on another platform or to extend your talents or skills in Artwork, Photography Recording, Music or Computer graphics or if you have a skill that you think would enhance animals lives then this could be your starting platform. Often people have skills but do not like to show them, but showing them through this kind of Media is less intrusive. if you would like to know more feel free to contact us at this LINK or leave a comment in the box below.
From all who are involved in the work we do and of course our initiator thank you for taking time to read this post. .
During a conversation we were saying to H, that we are in the process of updating our Website but unlike previous wordpress programmes, we were having trouble understanding Wordpress 2014, her comments were ' well, for all the articles, kindness and help you have given to people and animals why not see if anyone out there can help you, after all you have nearly 13,000 viewers on this blog and not once have you asked for help with any of these issues, there must surely be someone out there who could return half your kindness" feeling humbled at that idea but also with us having a stubborn streak we said " no, no we will manage, but having posted a request for another Client yesterday and to manage to get her a result within 24 hours we thought, well, you know there is no harm in trying so here we go . . .
"We are wondering if you know of any one who is particularly experienced with Wordpress 2014 and who might have a couple of hours to spare to help us. If so would you be so kind as to email us by pressing this link (Nature'sPhysician) or add a comment at the end of this posting.
This request could suit someone who is either retired, knowledgeable about Wordpress, filled with ingenious ideas and perhaps with an artistic flare, or perhaps someone who is clued up in the same, but for some reason is off work at the moment, or perhaps a student who needs a project for an exam or experiencing 'inbetweenie time' . . this could be your chance to help create something truly wonderful with the result of us all being able to help more animals and humans in this wide and massive world we live in.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this request for help. Feel free to look at some of our previous posts and if any are of specific interest to you and something that you would like to be part of feel free to contact us for further information.
You would also be welcome to join us if you would like to find yourself on another platform or to extend your talents or skills in Artwork, Photography Recording, Music or Computer graphics or if you have a skill that you think would enhance animals lives then this could be your starting platform. Often people have skills but do not like to show them, but showing them through this kind of Media is less intrusive. if you would like to know more feel free to contact us at this LINK or leave a comment in the box below.
If you can paint anything from a Sunset to a butterfly we would be interested |
If you have a 1 minute self created piece of music we would be interested to hear it |
If you have any paintings of animals, no matter how old you are we would be interested |
If you have a two or three lined pieces of poetry that relates to animals who have had an unhappy life or who are now happy then we would be interested |
From all who are involved in the work we do and of course our initiator thank you for taking time to read this post. .
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Gluten free Restaurants needed in Dijon . . . can you help please
can think of any where please email us thank you
An email came in today from Artist, Author, Entrepreneur and food and wine expert Jonathon Brown who now lives in France :
Hi.... cannot do better here than you can, so did google on "gluten free restaurants dijon" and got the two below and many others. I've never seen a "gluten-free" restaurant, only (occasionally) a dish marked "gluten free". The French are notoriously callous about all "fads" (vegetarians the worst off maybe), so good luck!
Herewith a cartoon from The New Yorker I found last week!!
Although this is a good drawing sadly this is often how some people feel when they either have to be on such a diet or even when they choose to be on such a diet . . . but never, ever consider yourself annoying, you can't help it if you have a reaction to foods and liquids . . so don't be frightened to stand your ground . . . many more cafe's and restaurants accept dietary issues, so if you come across one that doesn't then please consider it your job to convert them . . . thank you.
For those of you interested in his book : "
Cook au Vin Click on the book
Thanks Judi and Jonathon
I wasn't aware of www.Glutenfreeroads.com but have now not only found a restaurant, I have been able to print a map showing how to get there from the hotel! Many, many thanks.
I don't consider myself annoying - it is not a lifestyle CHOICE. It is an intolerance which I have no choice about but I'm taking action to deal with and live with it as well as help to change the stigma that some restaurants have . ..
Thanks Dawn . .. .
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Horses for courses but let's consider Racehorses who are re-homed
From the amount of horse readings we have done recently on ex race horses we felt there was a need to write a wee article on these horses in particular.
There are many different varieties of activities for horses to be part of, let's think, what kind of different horses do we find :
Show jumpers, Trotters, Race horses and there are many more. But for this post we are merely pointing out that each different type of E.E. (Equine Events) that horses are trained for and all these horses are trained in totally different ways. Trotters - on the move, extending their legs etc. but as a more important point there is the mental training - trot trot trot trot - extend those legs, keep going as fast as you can with your knees at a specific height but only in trot.
Show jumpers and dressage horses and other similar types of training can be particularly precise, articulate and specific to the job in hand/hoof. They are taught/trained/encouraged to standstill for mounting, to be able to stand still for the judges, they have instant speed for against the clock competitions and can cope with this for short periods of time. They are taught/encouraged to stop for dismounting and to stand still for mounting. These abilities not only give them an automatic inbuilt mental ability to stop and do what is asked of them – it's more personal and a more one to one relationship.
Where as with racehorses speed is of the essence, speed and the ability to jump are joined together often with force (and numbness! As per the posting dated below) in brief, often, this type of horse learns to measure distances naturally but at speed, they need to raise their front legs/bodies/rider to get over the jump again often with force and with other horses running along side this kind of goads them along. Rather than them being hit by the stick all the time, some of them learn to run as fast as they can – purely because they don't want to be hit. Some racehorses are injected in the legs before hand so that any previous pain disappears for the race - but this does not happen all the time. However, mentally they therefore are almost self trained to run, run, run, run, run, run or to stay on the move all the time. So to ask a race horse to stand still is as foreign to them as it would be for a child who had suddenly been told to eat with a knife and fork when they had been used to using their fingers for 5 or 8 years– it feels totally foreign to them and takes training to encourage them to use the knife and fork correctly. Or perhaps it is more like someone learning to drive a manual car after being used to driving an automatic or being used to drive on the right hand side of the road then all of a sudden being forced to drive on the opposite side of the road . . it's confusing, foreign and an unknown area altogether.
So, ultimately race horses are a special category, ones who are trained to be on the move 24/7, both mentally and physically, who are used to - being ridden in a certain way,
As a few examples although in different gaits : take a look at the different seating positions in these few photographs :
So, in a racehorses mind in theory and in practice riding them in traditional fashion seems totally different and foreign . . . one to take in to account
They are also used to numerous people buzzing around them filled with chat and buzz which ultimately releases excitement within them. When not racing they are often tied to a walker (a motorised machine which is set for a specific time (like an oven timer) and keeps them exercising and rarely do they experience a one to one relationship, so once they learn that it is okay to stand still they can become extremely loyal and dedicated animals to keep, but you can imagine adjusting to a 'normal' horses life is extremely foreign to them to start with or is something that they just don't know how to do at all until re-trained. Similar to someone coming out of the army – when they have been self trained, almost automatically drill trained/drained.
Some racing yards have little respect for race horses as individuals and/or see them as 'money spinners'. Some racehorses are raced to the ground, often injected to dull all previous injuries or aching hooves, it doesn't take much to research all this.
So what are we saying with all this, well, what we are saying here is, if you decide to take on a retired racehorse, please remember they have a history, sometimes a pained history, of both physical and mental speed who have not been trained to be an every day hacker (although some racing stables do in fact encourage this but very few, these being perhaps more the smaller yards ). They have often been beaten to run as fast as they can and, like elephants in work, they would rather do the very best they can than be beaten with a stick or legs as they run their hearts in to the ground as they race round the track. Often their spirits are broken and knowing how to relax is an unknown area and their lives have been filled with structure and routine of a different kind.
So as a resume:
1 Be prepared initially to be able to jump on as they move
2 Be prepared that they will not be able to stand still for long
3 Be prepared for them to want to beat any other horse they are out riding with
4 Be prepared that they might not be used to being outside free
5 Be prepared for them to be scared of too much leg and stick aid
6 Be prepared for them to be anxious if there are a lot of people around
7 Be prepared for them to react in a crowd
8 Be prepared for them to react in a herd
9 Be prepared for them to not be able to relax
10 Be prepared for them to be filled with excitement amongst crowds – they pick up on applauses, screams, shouts and jovial screaming and coarse voices.
11 Be prepared to ride slightly shorter to start with
After re-training
1 Be prepared for them to be loyal and dedicated
2 Given patience and often time be prepared for them to enjoy the peace and quiet
3 Be prepared for them to understand and fully enjoy body language instead of verbal language
4 Be prepared for them to be as obedient as a dog if given the right understanding and re-training.
5 Be prepared for them to lift up a hoof as an every day occurrence
6 Be prepared for them to put up with as many rugs as you wish to place on them
7 Be prepared for them to enjoy a happy medium of speed and non demanding body language
8 Once retrained, like greyhounds they can be the most caring and understanding of horses as long as 50/50 communication is understood.
So as a resume:
1 Be prepared initially to be able to jump on as they move
2 Be prepared that they will not be able to stand still for long
3 Be prepared for them to want to beat any other horse they are out riding with
4 Be prepared that they might not be used to being outside free
5 Be prepared for them to be scared of too much leg and stick aid
6 Be prepared for them to be anxious if there are a lot of people around
7 Be prepared for them to react in a crowd
8 Be prepared for them to react in a herd
9 Be prepared for them to not be able to relax
10 Be prepared for them to be filled with excitement amongst crowds – they pick up on applauses, screams, shouts and jovial screaming and coarse voices.
11 Be prepared to ride slightly shorter to start with
12 Remember your horse might have experienced a fall at great speed
12 Try and imagine what it was like for them to have to run as fast as they could, like athletes - some would be naturals - some not-
After re-training
1 Be prepared for them to be loyal and dedicated
2 Given patience and often time be prepared for them to enjoy the peace and quiet
3 Be prepared for them to understand and fully enjoy body language instead of verbal language
4 Be prepared for them to be as obedient as a dog if given the right understanding and re-training.
5 Be prepared for them to lift up a hoof as an every day occurrence
6 Be prepared for them to put up with as many rugs as you wish to place on them
7 Be prepared for them to enjoy a happy medium of speed and non demanding body language
8 Once retrained, like greyhounds they can be the most caring and understanding of horses as long as 50/50 communication is understood.
Thank you for giving these amazing creatures the chance of a loving home where they can learn to relax and go at a speed most comfortable to them with their ears forward and not as is for some, as fast as humans dictate often with their ears back. However, for some they are born runners, if this is the case, as they age, try and encourage them to slow down, otherwise their health will suffer.
On behalf of many - thank you.
On behalf of many - thank you.
If you would like us to help you with your horse, please do contact us either at this LINK
We are delighted to say that this site now has 12,400 viewers . . . thank you one and all for taking an interest in our topics and for realizing that for our animals of this planet to remain content and healthy they also need to have their voice heard and a choice in life.
Feel free to visit our facebook page which covers some more of our work, if you press the LIKE button at the top of the page you will receive a copy of each of our postings
We can also be found on Twitter and Pinterest
For those of you who are not on facebook - these two photographs with the comments below have been forwarded by a Client of ours - Thank you Michelle
"I just feel they are totally miss understood I have seen peoples reactions when they say what kind is your horse and I say tb everything changes in them and it is terrible because every horse no matter of breeding has the ability to be what people mould them into and it just so happens they are moulded to racing then we are basically turning there world upside down asking them to change so we should have the patience to be able to let them learn again sorry for the rant it just annoys me so much xx"
" This boy knew nothing else"
"Apart from being dirty, he has learned that being relaxed is good and will happily go out in a herd xx
Our reply to these were as follow:
"Being allowed to roll in mud is often a luxury for race horses"
" How wonderful that this facebook post has been shared all the way over in New York . . . tremendous . . let's give all these race horses wishes a plug here . . let's get this posted in other parts of the world . . . thank you New York".
11th August 2014 - An article some of you may be interested in . . LINK
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Forthcoming amalgamation of Nature's Physician Sites . ..
In the event that there may be a few technical hitches over the next few weeks we would like to send our apologies in advance but hope you will not experience too many issues connecting with us. If you do, it is because we are in the process of amalgamating our Websites
Thank you for your patience.
Regards ~ADMIN DEPT~
Thank you for your patience.
Regards ~ADMIN DEPT~
Thursday, 3 April 2014
The joys of communicating with animals or being a mediator . . .
The joy of communicating with animals or being a mediator for animals is like a triangle or a three way system of positive energy for all. It involves the animal first and foremost, then it travels along to the owner/carer, then it goes back along the chain to the communicator who then discovers the animals specific needs. It is during this process that a way forward is realised and a plan of action is put in to place with a view to resolving the stumbling block(s).
Sadly, for some, by the time they ask for our help the issue(s) in hand seem to, the owner/carer, be about the the same size as Mount Everest, or the same size that an elephant looks like to an Ant! On a few occasions people have already put the idea in to their head that the animal is irreparable but rarely is this in fact the case. There is of course the odd time that the animal just does not want to go on and would rather be put to sleep, but usually they want to be given a chance.
There are many breeds of animals who, to many, all look the same although perhaps vary in colour but on closer inspection, like identical twins or triplets, their hair could be a different texture or their skin might be different just as their characters, their eyes, their ears and thoughts or experiences can vary just as their chemical balance can be totally different where some foods react on one and not the other.
As we all know. there is always a key for every door, every car and every window just as there is always a key for every animal/human! but the key for many to have a happy life is often locked due to negative experiences or an illness or pain infliction the key has either been mislaid, lost or is just totally stuck in the hole and this is where we as communicators step in - to guide and help troubled animals communicate with the human world so that there can be that unique 50/50 animal/human partnership for ever.
To date we have been delighted to help many an animal and would actively encourage all animal lovers to do the same. so, please, keep an eye open as a protector of all pained animals and encourage them to have their own voice and choice in life as well.
On behalf of many who have gone unheard - thank you.
So, your next question ' What do I have to do to receive a reading'
This service helps owners and carers communicate with their animals (of any sort) so that a 50/50 communication level can be met, instead of the all to often 10% animal and 90% human imbalance.
Depending on the issues found this can take anything from 1 hour to 36 hours, depending greatly on where it leads to. A full head photograph and two full body photographs are needed, one from the near side and the other from the offside, so that not only the thought patterns of this animals can be assessed but also the whole physical well-being of the animal.
Depending on what the results are conclusions are then drawn to resolve the issues found. Just as ways forward are suggested for any changes that might be needed on the 24hr owner/carers part.
Once an animal is on file it is there forever more and can be checked at any time upon the owners request but a more recent photograph would be needed of the negative and surrounding area.
There are two different formats a 'Brief reading' and an
'In-depth' reading.
or visit and like our facebook page
which covers the surface of what we do . .
Thank you for taking time to potentially give an animal the chance to have his/her voice.
Thank you for taking time to potentially give an animal the chance to have his/her voice.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
All Animals / Horses misbehave, buck, cavort around for a reason
Let us help you to help them to stop cavorting around. On behalf of many animals who have been shoved from pillar to post all because of their behaviour . . moving them on like this does not give them any sense of security and actually can make their cavorting around become more serious . . please give all animals the chance to communicate.
At the moment we are seeing a massive increase in animals being given away to a home for either free or a minimal amount. People seem to be jumping at this chance, but please, make sure you cover yourself and the animal involved. Some handy hints :
1 Ask if you can take the animal on a trial period - get this in writing or ask to exercise it a few times in the area that it knows
2 Make sure you ask what it gets fed, because a change in diet all of a sudden can change their temperament.
3 Make sure you pick up all four legs and hold them in a position for a few minutes
4 Ask how the animal stands to be clipped or shod . . you could have a child helping you then all of a sudden BANG . ..
5 Make sure you don't just buy straight over the internet without asking someone you know to go and see the animal. Or ask for some video footage before you decide, then ask an expert to look at the footage.
6 If you see an animal that looks sorry for itself, BEFORE you take it on make sure you have additional support if needs be
7 Most people get an animal vetted before they take it on.
8 Many of us forget what is said at these crucial times so either get the previous owner to text or email you with the information you both discussed shortly after each visit or ask them to jot them down, it's handy to have this detail to fall back on just in case the animal changes, At least this way the old owner will have prepared you with how to react for this horse. Some people often hand out a 'to do list' before handing the animal over or a list of things the animal likes or the routine it has been used to.
9 Make sure you keep a note of the old owners address and are given a passport.
10 If you think the animal is not suitable for you but no someone who this animal could have a good chance with, why not give them a ring . . . you never know you could be doing both the animal, the owner and the potential owner a favour.
We must always remember that not two of us have the same characters and there is no difference between each animal.
Thank you.
We are always gearing for
are you?
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