Saturday, 26 April 2014

Help needed - are you clued up on Wordpress 2014 and . . .

One of our wonderful Clients had an ingenious idea and we would like to share it with you. 

During a conversation we were saying to H, that we are in the process of updating our Website but unlike previous wordpress programmes, we were having trouble understanding Wordpress 2014, her comments were ' well, for all the articles, kindness and help you have given to people and animals why not see if anyone out there can help you, after all you have nearly 13,000  viewers on this blog and not once have you asked for help with any of these issues, there must surely be someone out there who could return half your kindness" feeling humbled at that idea but also with us having a stubborn streak we said " no, no we will manage, but having posted a request for another Client yesterday and to manage to get her a result within 24 hours we thought, well, you know there is  no harm in trying so here we go   . . . 

"We are wondering if you know of any one who is particularly experienced with Wordpress 2014 and who might have a couple of hours to spare to help us. If so would you be so kind as to email us by pressing this  link (Nature'sPhysician) or add a comment at the end of this posting. 

This request could suit someone who is either retired, knowledgeable about Wordpress, filled with ingenious ideas and perhaps with an artistic flare,  or perhaps someone who is clued up in the same, but for some reason is off work at the moment, or perhaps a student who needs a project for an exam or experiencing 'inbetweenie time' . . this could be your chance to help create something truly wonderful with the result of us all being able to help more animals and humans in this wide and massive world we live in.  

Thank you so much for taking time to read this request for help. Feel free to look at some of our previous posts and if any are of specific interest to you and something that you would like to be part of feel free to contact us for further information. 

You would also be welcome to join us if you would like to find yourself on another platform or to extend your talents or skills in Artwork, Photography Recording, Music or Computer graphics or if you have a skill that you think would enhance animals lives then this could be your starting platform. Often people have skills but do not like to show them, but showing them through this kind of Media is less intrusive. if you would like to know more feel free to contact us at this LINK or leave a comment in the box below. 
If you can paint anything from a
Sunset to a butterfly we
would be interested

If you have a 1 minute self created piece of
music we would be interested to hear it

If you have any paintings of animals,
no matter how old you are 

we would be interested

If you have a two or three lined pieces 
of poetry that relates to animals who have 
had an unhappy life or who are 
now happy then we would be 

From all who are involved in the work we do and of course our initiator thank you for taking time to read this post. .


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