Sunday, 21 December 2014

May this Christmas bring you Peace and Joy but did you know . .

Christmas time, a time  when kids are so excited, sometimes to the point of  driving parents a tad mad!  Some people can be filled with emotions from organising the best Christmas ever, while others feel sad, lost and lonely after perhaps a traumatic year. Others just want to hibernate for the whole of the Christmas and New Year period. Some cope tremendously well in difficult situations where ill health could be prominent and others can be surrounded by depression or where the situation is awkward for them to invite the people they would like to invite. Some put on an extremely brave face but deep down are hurting. 

Christmas time brings back memories, happy and sad ones, some which were shared in decades gone by with friends and family who have perhaps since passed on.

Christmas time sadly seems to have lost its' original meaning it has a sense of financial pressure on many, where children don't understand how Santa brings one thing to one child and little to another, it's a truly difficult time for many when many do not give those worse of than themselves a minutes thought. It puts many into debt -  is this really what the original meaning of Christmas was? 

Sadder still there are children who find Christmas difficult to cope with due to perhaps their parents being separated which has led to confusion, self blame and sometimes 'unintentional or misplaced emotional' hate for the parent, Grand parents or Grandparent left on her/his own. So not only is there deep pain or confusion for the child (children) but there is also a huge void for the parent who is being targeted, sometimes unnecessarily so. 

Has Christmas time not just turned out to be a ginormous period of massive profit for retailers and business's. 

How can we become more appreciative of the true meaning of Christmas and Santa or how can we bring this special time of year back in to perspective? perhaps as this link suggest we need to 'teach our children about the symbols of Christmas but above all 're-teach ourselves' 

Perhaps we need to remember or spare a thought for those who truly struggle at this time of year instead and concentrate on making their lives more enjoyable all year round. Just imagine the hundreds and thousands of euros, dollars and pounds that is spent per household and the profit that many a business makes out of this totally blown out of proportion time of year.

Perhaps you would like to add your thoughts to this list: 

  1. Buy your gifts from places that give the majority to a recognised Charity but one where the money truly goes to the cause
  2. Reduce the amount you spend per child so others don't feel left out and parents don't end up feeling guilty
  3. Invite a family round who would truly appreciate a true sense of Christmas
  4. Cook enough to give an elderly person a 3 course meal
  5. Invite an elderly person to join you as the  children open their presents, there is nothing more enjoyable for an elderly person to share than the smile on a  childs face.
  6. Remember, if you are inviting an elderly person, they will more than probably feel as if they are in the way - please, on behalf of them, include them in the best  way you can
  7. There is nothing more enjoyable for anyone to receive than a home made present.
  8. Remember the animals in some of the zoos last year who were not fed because of the Christmas day holiday
  9. Remember your animals need a special treat as well, albeit a gravy riddled tea, or a drink of warm apple juice or some stewed apples in their mash
  10. Perhaps you could donate to a just cause or adopt an elephant instead of buying presents for some of your friends next year.
There are many many ways in which we can help our world become a 'non business profit making Society', especially at this time of year, please feel free to add any  of your own thoughts on this. 

Our final wish is that you all take a second out before you eat  your massive meal just to give others who have little a thought.

May you all have an enjoyable and happy time over this Festive period. 

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