Wednesday, 28 August 2013

New website on the way . . . . . .

We are delighted to say that we have been encouraged to create a website. Hope to have it up and running soon. In the meantime, don't forget if you are having any Health issues relating to the topics within this Blog feel free to contact us for further information.

Or, if your pets are suffering from a behavioural or Health issue contact our Animal Department - We are happy to guide you with any animal - dogs, horses and other animals - please, give them a chance.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Come along and help to give all living creatures a voice

How many individuals do we all know, animal or human, who have difficulty communicating or who have lost the confidence to communicate or who perhaps experience temper or behavioural issues due to their internal feeling of being 'locked in' - . . . . let's all pull together and help them . .. if you are struggling to get through to them, we can help you to help them - it will make such a difference to all involved. On behalf of all who feel 'locked in' thank you for taking time to read this.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

We are 'Social Eaters'

As babies, we are brought up to be 'social eaters' then we are encouraged to relax and to have a snooze, although as we get older the snooze idea there is often little time for, but instead you could play games or interact and sit with each other before going off on your next tangent. Men particularly benefit from this, where as women often just get on with tidying up.

As we get older many families eat separately, leaving the children or their older relations to eat on their own, which, in many cases is quite the reverse from the routine they were used to as an infant/child or parent.

For older relatives once their families leave home, or fly the nest, after a while, they rarely actually sit down to eat a proper meal, perhaps with this in mind you could encourage them to eat with others more often, or perhaps prepare them a meal for two and invite their favourite friend round as a surprise for them. Or if they are in a Hospital and you have access to visiting them at their Meal time then take a meal along with you and join them by sitting opposite them (as if you were sitting at a proper table), .  . Humans are 'Social Eaters' after all.

The latter is particularly important when your relative is 'bed bound'  this way you can not only see that they eat a decent meal but you can also encourage them to drink more - drinking fluids is extremely important and can reduce urine infections and other illnesses. If you know the Nursing staff well, you might even be able to sneak in one of their favoured meals  . . . . puddings are always a winner - especially for the majority of men!

Please have patience with us . . .

Aologise for any inconvenience but we are presently changing our pages slightly but will have this completed within the next 24 hours. Thank you for your patience.

What we miss the most once our Elders have gone before us

Ask any person what they miss the most after their loved ones have gone before us and some of the answers will undoubtedly be - although not necessarily in this order:

1 Their presence
2 The telephone conversations
3 The weekly or daily visits
4 The smell of their house
4 The perfume or aftershave
5 The sound of their voice and laughter
6 The name they used to call us
7 Their antics

There are many more things that people don't think about until it is too late, but for the benefit of your children, their children and their childrens children, now is the chance to start filling that gap so that they can have, albeit a smaller, experience of what you love/loved so much rather than just saying "this is what your Granny/Grandad/Auntie/Uncle/Dear friend looked/sounded like and used to always say. 

When you have a moment or an hour or so to spare, why not take out your mobile phone or set up a video recorder and record even just a normal conversation or some of the questions you might wish to ask your respected elder. Some questions to help you with this can be found at this link

Although funeral Services are something that no one likes to think about let us now consider recording these very special Services with 
'A Celebration of Life' at the front of our minds.

One of the reasons for this is so that when you do experience that huge void you have something, other than a photo or your favourite item that belonged to them, to clutch on to for comfort.

There is so much to do after you have lost a relative or a close friend and this can often result in us becoming forgetful of others or perhaps 'insular' for a while. However, your funeral Directors will help to organise and answer all the questions needed and they succeed in taking a tremendous amount of weight off your shoulders. We, at this stage, would like to thank and acknowledge all Funeral Directors for their vision for precise detail so that each and every service is run smoothly and given that 'unique touch'. A touch that will forever be remembered.

However, on the day of a funeral usually most individuals are, naturally, feeling very emotional and can find it difficult to hear the majority of the, often extremely humbling, tributes or to sing the hymns sung or indeed to take on board all who have supported them by attending. Often this leaves us overwhelmed at the amount of people in attendance. Sometimes we don't realise the impact our loved ones had on others until this dreadfully sad last day. We can forget our loved ones had another life perhaps before we were born or indeed their work might have meant they led two lives, often the latter we perhaps knew little of until this day.

Many people think to themselves afterwards or with the benefit of hindsight, "I just wish I could hear it all again". Perhaps one of your children created and dedicated a poem to your loved one and, afterwards, or with the benefit of hindsight and for the people who were unable to come to the Service, perhaps due to ill health, work commitments or living in a foreign country, you wish you had recorded it, perhaps not to listen to there and then but in a week, a month or a year or decades later.  Whichever way a recorded copy means the world to many different individuals and leaves that potentially massive gap filled with warmth, affection, love, sincerity and lovely memories to treasure in the form of a simple small CD. 

For those who have chosen to record Services, they have all agreed that they were glad they did because of the comforting feeling they are left with after hearing each tribute again. 

To fill that huge void that we have ALL experienced please, for the benefit of others consider everyone that your loved ones heart touched and let them share this very special day.

If you wish  "The celebration of your Loved ones" Service recorded please feel free to contact us. 

It just takes a phonecall or an email to organise and allows you to be totally free on the day.

               "The Celebration of life"

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Help to encourage less littering in our Communities by not spoiling our children!

How many of us walk round parks disgusted by the amount of litter, broken glass and other dangerous items lying around, or, perhaps the wind blows all the lighter objects in to a corner making it look as if someone has emptied a tonne of crisp packets, squashed empty cans, snack containers and many other undesirables!

The next time we take the same route, how many of us decide to actually take a large empty bag (or 2) and a grabber (the ones you can buy for children do a wonderful job) to pick up some of these objects - unfortunately the answer to this question is 'not very many' or how many of us think to ourselves "well actually it's the local Councils job and not any one else's".

So, with this in mind and with a few of us having done the latter and having left a few plastic bags tied on to lamp posts in daylight when the 'offenders' could see us, we were pleasantly surprised to see these offenders actually starting to put their litter in to the bags that we had conveniently placed in 'natural dumping areas'.

Which brings us on to the next conclusion, actually two conclusions . .

1 If the younger generations see us, as adults, tidying up in public areas, they will follow suit, however, if they see us walking past all the debris they will not think twice about the rubbish lying around and will naturally continue to drop their litter where ever.

2 However, the main conclusion we have come to is - by 'automatically tidying up after our children' in our own homes/gardens/cars etc' we spoil them for far too long leaving them no lesson to tidy up after themselves and indeed with little respect for tidiness and with the assumption that someone somewhere will tidy up after them.

So, the little motto in this tale is : stop tidying up after your children from the age of 8 or younger, encourage them to tidy up as they go along. Or make an effort, or ask a Local Councillor, to randomly visit a park to connect with the youngsters to have a 'pick up litter hour' - you will be pleasantly surprised at the difference this will make. It will and does encourage the youngsters to have more respect for their surroundings - give it a try and see what happens - you will be quite amazed and the difference to the look of your Local Community will be incredible.

If we all pull together on this it wont take long for our world to become a healthier and happier place for young children, the elderly and our animals but more to the point individuals will be more respectful of their Communities.

Thank you for taking time to read this post

Monday, 5 August 2013

A fear of looking people in the eye

We shared a comment with you on the 30th July on Facebook about people not being able to look you in the eye, in fact some people shut their eyes when they are speaking to you and for some this is extremely irritating and seen as totally impolite and rude - - However, for those people who have this problem, nine times out of ten this means they often have an underlying problem and unfortunately will often face more issues in life than those who can look you in the eye.

There are quite a number of reasons for this and we would like to share some of them with you - perhaps these individuals have -

1 Something to hide,

2 Are frightened (for whatever reason),

3 A wish to domineer the conversation -

4 A mistrust for people

5 A fear of being bullied

6 An issue at remembering what they were going to say

More often than not if people have this issue they are rejected from or by others. . . ., for some they can be easy targets and can get hurt even more because of this.

If we are working with animals or humans who can not look you in the eye due to what ever reason, then the first thing we train them 'indirectly' to do, to give them that feeling of confidence, security, comfort or lack of fear, is to look you in the eye.

For the safety, security and comfort of others (humans or animals) please can you help us to do the same . . . . if you know of someone who has a problem like this, please message us and we will help you.

There are far too many people in our world who are scared and as a result of this end up being 'easy meat' / walked over by others or who have no 'self defence' mechanism, let us all try and reduce this and increase their confidence instead of rejecting them.

Often we reject them because of our own fear of not being able to trust, when in fact the main cause is often a massive fear or insecurity in the person who can not look you in the eye.

"Until an animal can look you in the eye it's fairly safe to say that you will experience behavioural issues" resolve it and a 50 50 communication language can be achieved and their confidence increased in the process.

On behalf of many who have suffered from this in the past please help us to help others.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Scary - 75% physicians in the world refuse chemo for themselves . . .

Yet again another article found on Physicians not choosing to take chemo for themselves or indeed for their families LINK 

Cancer is a word that scares us all and is such a difficult illness to digest but these days, with it becoming, unfortunately, so common we need to continually remind ourselves that we are not the only ones suffering either from it or indeed not the only ones who know someone suffering from it

Although we believe that some people can cope with chemo the long term side effects can, for others, be dreadfully frustrating and tiring and for some they wish they had never gone through it.

We would like to suggest, for your own piece of mind if nothing else,  that if you are diagnosed with Cancer, and need to have chemo, seek alternative guidance as well as Medical advice and weigh up all the pro's and cons. Perhaps if you don't feel up to it or do not have they knowledge to use the Internet then ask a friend to take this on board for you or ask a Member of the family.

Sometimes after having an operation to remove the lump/tumour things like changing your diet to suit your specific chemical balance, can help your long term health without having to bombard your whole system with the toxins that go along with medication.

After each and every trauma we go through in life,  whether it be giving birth, the loss of someone close or even the loss of a long loved pet, a general operation which might have involved a general unaesthetic, a divorce/separation, changing jobs, being made redundant, moving house/country/town or even a coming to  crossroads in life can change our chemical balance.

Perhaps you could take five minutes out just now and consider, if you have ever suffered from any mild/severe illness either immediately or from 6 months on from any dramatic change in your life. Nine times out of ten most chronic illnesses have been triggered by something or are genetically based. For example, if you are suffering from bowel issues, skin issues as a result of these then certainly get them checked out, but try and look for methods other than medication, consider a change of diet as well. We would be happy to guide you on this.

Many modern day Doctors are happy to discuss alternative methods but if you find that you are faced with a closed door or are being steamrollered by believing this is the only option then, please, spend some time on Chief Inspector Google. At the end of the day we should always remember there are always choices and that you, as an individual have the right to choose. But often History and 'the norm' dictates, but sometimes, for some, this is not the best option.

Our choices these days are massive in comparison with years ago when Medication was the only option to either solve or mask the problem in hand. For the sake of your health long term, an hour or so spent doing your own investigations can indeed result in a healthier lifestyle without the continual long term effects of many drug based methods. Don't be frightened of the choices, there will be one out there that suits you -  on behalf of those who have suffered for years in the past, give yourself and others this chance of a healthier life.