Back on to our elephants future and knowing how passionate we all are that our elephants do not become extinct in 20 years time, we were saddened to walk along a street today to see posters stuck up in numerous shop windows supporting the cost of all plastic bags . . . "Remember me and save 5p" was written on one of them, but once again a picture of an elephant was on it . . .
Researching this further we discovered this link to additional photographs relating to the cost of plastic bags but also using a picture of an elephant on numerous of them. . . . do take a look and forward your thoughts or perhaps even share this post and let's see if we could encourage The Scottish Government to put just a small percentage towards our largest walking animal of our planet of which far too many are being brutally murdered on a daily basis for their ivory leaving many young calves dying at their sides or being hijacked and brutally treated all to become street beggars or circus animals
A question - do you think the Scottish Government would consider putting a percentage towards the future of our elephants?
Humans will be around for a while yet, elephants wont be . . . perhaps even if they could put a small amount of support towards the future of the elephants say for the next ten years - it would at least be a token gesture.
Our reply ;
Thank you for your comment Darren Moir . The majority of the people protecting the elephants in the wild do a tremendous job, however there are the odd who clearly leak out information, The poachers are often tribesmen, who can read the land and get paid little for what they do, it is the people who pay them and those who organise such massacres, some of these people in 'Power ' are from all over the world and out for just pure greed end of. However it is not just the elephants in the wild who need long term security it is those who are severely treated and beaten during training purposes for 'human entertainment such as Circus's, elephant rides, street beggars etc - this is something that many Countries are now banning, but Britain or the powers that be in Britain are not putting a stop to. 100 years ago we used to have 200,000 elephants in China alone, now there are only 4,000, 1,700 in Sanctuaries or at Lek Chairlets and similar places and the rest . . . well many of the remainder, you don't want to know about because it would break your heart! . . It doesn't take much to tally up how many we will have in 20 years time . . . Take a look at Abused elephant Sunder's Fan Club or Raju the elephant as pure examples or this link - of which there are many other Elephant links
A few days later and having been asked to go in to another super store today for someone else - this is what we saw! having gone in, paid for and filled a non asda bag up with the few bits and bobs, we decided to ask the Counter Assistants if they knew which charity the cost of these bags were going towards . . 6 of them were asked and none of them knew! Upon being guided towards a Supervisor, he went to go and ask as he did not know either - his reply was ' a percentage goes to local Charities and the rest goes to Government!! there was this large banner, as well as a mini poster and a stand up cardboard picture at each counter - and not a penny goes to wards our Elephants of tomorrow . . Each of these signs have Scottish Government located on each picture - - letter's to MP's could be in hand here . . . they could be supporting our Elephants cries and just cause . . . . more photo's above of Asda's ones . .
It doesn't take much to see how poorly we are treating the long term seriousness of our Elephants existence.
At least Klondyke state where their money goes!
Please if you feel strongly about the future of our elephants please, please support them . .here is a LINK to other Elephant facebook pages, . . thank you
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