Monday, 16 December 2013

A German Shepherd with Bladder Problems . . .resolved

Meet Squaddie

TYPE : German Shepherd
ISSUE : Bladder Issue


Some more hope on the canine front, this time with this very loveable German Shepherd.

He had been experiencing issues with his bladder on more or less a weekly basis for a number of years. After a number of visits, expensive visits, to the Vet unfortunately the last appointment (approximately 3 months ago) was extremely  sad news not only for Squaddie but also his owner and his family in that it had been suggested that if he was to experience  this again it would be kinder to put the animal down. 

The owner, as you can imagine was distraught at this news and asked us to look in to him in the hope that we could come up with something. We scanned him and his chemical balance and quickly 
realised that he had a reaction or intolerance to certain foods and liquids. We immediately created a diet sheet specifically for his own needs and asked the owners to keep him out of all the drawers that he could open, as well as keep him off all the foods listed under negatives.  The only irritant for the owner is that they had to buy a child lock so that this very clever 4 legged canine couldn't open the drawers to steal his desire as a treat ad lib! 

The owner has very kindly forwarded a sentence in the hope that her dogs story will give others the chance of this form of treatment, before they might have to be put to sleep.

" squaddie is now 3yrs old. he has suffered with bladder problems since young. the outlook wasnt good. however, Judi recommended a complete change of diet. following the diet, squaddie has only had 1 setback. he is a different dog. i cant thank judi enough", if you are struggling, give your animal this chance"


  1. im sendn loads of hugs from me 4 all uv dun and loads of slobbery licks from the squaddie himself x

  2. Thank you for this slobbery message, you know something I can smell and feel those slobbery licks from here . . . thank you, but more importantly thank you for giving your Dog Squaddie this chance . . . it's great to get feedback as it not only potentially helps other animals but also reassures Owners that sometimes, there are other ways, often less invasive ways, of solving health issues. Keep us posted with his progress, but remember, keep that child lock on those drawers . . . . no cheating Squaddie, otherwise your Auntie wont be a very happy Bunny and neither will your Bladder . . .
