Saturday, 28 December 2013

Sunder - a requested Client . . the Indian Elephant at Kolhapur's Jyotiba Temple





The numbers alongside the individuals in this picture is apparently the scoring that Sunder gives them . . .

This photograph shows the constant weeping as well as inflammation round the eye socket itself.  A sensitive picture of this eye can be seen at the top right hand side on A2 photo above. If the weeping was to dry up, you would find the pigment of the skin will have changed colour . . from the acid in the tear juices.  Weeping can also be seen in his left eye . . . 

The discolouration of his skin at the side of each eye could be caused by the type of water he has access to as well as the tears from his eyes weeping which will run that way when he is lying down. 


Delighted to read the following article in PETA India's Blog via Save All Elephants face book page . . . thank you Arjun Rampul for the Billboards you have donated and managed to get hung up where everyone can see them . . . if only you could get more of your colleagues on his case . . . then Sunders wounds would have a chance to heal and he will be able to be well away from any of the abuse that he has so unnaturally had to put up with . . . thank you.

While we are thanking people we must acknowledge the dedication that Save All Elephants have had for Sunder by the way of keeping us all up to date with news. Save All Elephants - you do an amazing job at bringing all our attention to Elephants (and other animals) in distress . Thank you

All animals who are given  as a gift should be cared for, loved and respected. 

50/50 communication is the only way to get positive results with any living creature - it would be absolutely wonderful to see Sunder being given this natural respect.

If you know of any other animals who you would like us to comment on please feel free to message or email us

World's cruellest zoo animals need your help

More than 50 animals have died in this zoo over the last 3 months! 

If you feel that any of these pictures make you despair please can you go to this link and help them . . . it would only  take you approximately 5 minutes . . . No animal, never mind animals, should be kept in this state . . . .

If your stomach can cope with seeing the article on these animals then click here. 

On behalf of these animals and many more within this zoo -  thank you so much.

Please share this post . . . . 

Friday, 27 December 2013

9,543 Viewers to date from all corners of the world

9,543 Viewers to date -  this is fantastic. 

Thank you to each and everyone of you from all corners of the world for sharing some of our work.  We appreciate that you may not be interested in everything within our Site but we sincerely hope, what ever you have read, will give some one, whether human or animal the chance to have their own voice as well as better 'long term' physical and mental health. 

Please feel free to share any of our posts and do continue commenting on them. It is great to receive feedback as well as any questions you may have.

Or feel free to contact us if there is anything in particular that you would like us to comment on. 

If you would like to hear our most recent radio hour with Natural Health Radio live feel free to go to this link

Thursday, 26 December 2013

That post Festive 'Never again am I going to eat so much'

but you do, every year you say, ' this year I am not going to eat so much' but the smell, the variety of choices of meats, vegetables or desserts always wins no matter how much you say you wont indulge.

So let's dissect Christmas -  what happens,

For the kids - it's often presents and sweets galore a.k.a. a much larger intake of a variety of negative (for each individual and on an individual basis) sugar intake resulting in numerous behavioural and emotional issues as well as the upset stomachs, 'red ear' scenario.

For adults, it's eat, drink and be merry, but often the type of food and liquid consumed is totally different to the rest of the year -  often richer, in sauces, desserts and alcohol which more often than not creates, more or less immediate, issues such as

"Raised blood pressure'
"Acid reflux"

or a number of other health issues.

If you have been suffering from any of the above issues, then, now is your chance to change it and be prepared for your next Session of Festivities, this being New year, but this time without having the after effects.

Give your body this chance . . . . this will not mean that you need to stop eating or drinking, it will just mean that you eat foods that are better for your specific chemical balance . . .

Join us on 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Blether Report with Natural Radio Lives' Jackie Walker LINK

Come and join Nature's Physicians' founder - Judi at Natural radio Live on Monday 23rd December at 8pm when she is blethering to Jackie Walker their -  Blethering' reporter.

As many say it's a grand thing when you can blether away till your passions and your heart is content . . . the fear - we may well run out of time !

Carla and Koala . . . two new elephants on our list to do

Continuing to comment and follow our most amazing animals of our planet  - the Elephants in their individual present circumstances, some sad, some extremely content some in absolute hell not fit for man nor beast. We have, as you know offered our services to any one who feels they would like to help a particularly ill elephant or one that they would like to understand better.

We have as you will be aware been working with Pearl from St Louis Zoo and now that she is on our list of Clients she will never go off it, no matter the situation.

Well, today after assessing a radio slot for Monday with Natural Health Radio live and one of their Hostesses Jackie Walker we returned to a lovely long facebook message from Katherine, co founder of Global Sanctuary for Elephants as a  reply to a number of comments that we had left over the last few weeks relating to certain Elephants. Their message, in a nut shell was asking if we would be interested in giving them some information on two elephants, one called Koala, and another called Carla both based at Rio Zoo.

After working on her for quite a while today it was clear that something is a bit pear shaped. We are picking up that she has a bowel, Stomach, Spleen, Oesophegus related issue, resulting in perhaps something similar to Acid reflux as well as an almost autoimmune issue or /food 

As you can see from this photograph Carla - supposedly 40'ish is extremely thin, and desperately needs some  extra food, but  more importantly she would really like  something painted on her walls . . a little girl of about 12 with strawberry blonde hair and a turquoise tunic with her hair in a bun, as well as a 13h chestnut pony with a flaxen mane and tail with a specific back drop. As well as this she would like to hear the sound of running water . .  wonder if the Zoo would allow this! 

She also desperately needs some extra food so that her present health issue can be addressed. 
Please contact Global sanctuary for Elephants for further details on foods needed. 

If you know any one in the Rio area please could you ask them to get in touch. Especially if they are Artists. In an ideal world Carla needs to be rehomed to a place where she can roam and  eat natural foods,  Mind you, all elephants need to be out of captivity, but sadly Rome wasn't built in a day. 

 Unfortunately though, due to her condition at the moment she needs filled up and her muscles built up before she could cope with much exercise. Sadly she has not been seen out of this pen for quite a while and often people just walk on by her, almost as if they don't know she is there. . .
.  . .which is concerning quite a number of people, please give this poor wee soul a voice of her own.

Please, if you happen to be visiting make a point of stopping off, and whispering softly to her . . . she is so sad and hangs on to one memory, a happy memory, but when will she ever be given this chance again . .  . it's up to us to help her. More on her tomorrow,

And here is Koala, heading towards a scratching pillar, she is quite a bit healthier looking and seems to occupy herself fairly well in  this concrete, soul and feet destroying area. Look out for her post tomorrow.

On behalf of all large animals in such a buildings as these, . . . you will be free soon.. . stay strong

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Blethering time with Jackie Walker

Blethering time with Jackie Walker  on Natural Health Radio  . . . And What will Nature's Physician end up blethering about . . .  . . . . . . will it be Humans, Horses, Dogs, Elephants, Lauder Lass, Life in general, Plants, Diet, Health Issues Communication Issues . . . . look forward to sharing some blethering time with you all on Monday evening . . .

Friday, 20 December 2013

An update on Pearl at St Louis Zoo

Totally tickled pink for Pearl 

Her voice has been heard and an orange coloured rug is hopefully going to be part of her Christmas present . . . how  fantastic is this . . . it was only about three days ago that straps and materials were discussed .  .. isn't this wonderful for her . . . maybe she could have a bran and sugar beet Christmas meal as well !  

We forwarded a photo today of suggestions for this wonderfully patient girl. . .  hopefully one day she will be allowed just a little bit of a lot more freedom . . . . but only with everyone being gentle with the powers that be might this happen . . . stay strong Pearl from all of us over here. 


So, 2014 is upon us, and who all wants a healthier year . . . . with fewer colds, more energy to enjoy life, less medication, a stronger tummy to cope with the food and liquid you drink, but above all stacks more energy to enjoy life . . . don't let your or your pet suffer any longer . . let us help you. Take five minutes out to peruse our website and blog and see how many bells ring true with your issues or your pets or any wild animal you know . . . .  . please give animals this chance even if you don't give yourself this chance . . .  many so, so deserve it. On behalf of those who have suffered and continue to live in fear . . .  thank you

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

An elephant called Pearl .. St Louis Zoo

Having been introduced to Pearl via various elephant pages Nature's Physician decided enough was enough and has given her a brief scan . . . this elephant also had a prolapse when her last Bull calf was born -  21 years ago - - this is still noticeable and has left her incontinent (for 21 years!)

This is one of many dreadful stories and we do so hope that before her time is up in our world that she will be released to enjoy the freedom she absolutely deserves . ..  we are behind  you  Pearl and will do every thing we can to help you make your dream become  a reality.  Please feel  free to keep up to speed with her through Clara's voice or our own facebook page.

The red marks on this photo have been picked up as sensitive bone areas, the yellow as organ sensitivities and the green - these are the areas that are sensitive at her other side . . .

If you feel you would like any other elephants or one of your pets scanned, don't hesitate to contact us 

Confirmation yesterday after a comment from Clara's Voice said on Save All Elephants face book page  -" I find it most interesting that she seems to be missing Clara-her sister ele- they were inseparable . Clara was euthanized in 2007. Her son , Raja,-was taken from her very young. He is still there as the breeding bull...but separated from the others...." The only thing we would add having read Clara's Voice's comment, no wonder this lady is missing her son and sister. Her son, because he was  taken from her but kept in the vicinity so she would have been able to smell him hear him - - - the pain for her heart must have been dreadful. We had no idea that she had had a sister and that they were inseparable . . . thank you for confirming this . ..  now, we wonder if she could have some of her wishes come true. 

Having just heard this morning, she is apparently going to be getting an orange blanket (the colour being her choice - wonderful -  something that is the right colour for her that will give her energy, strength and warmth). . .  so here's hoping the rest of her wishes will come true . . . . . if she can't be freed then there must be an artist in the area who could paint the pictures she would like, and someones who could put something softer on the ground to make the impact of her weight on the concrete not be so tremoringly sore on her whole body . . . 

Here's hoping the rest of her wishes will transpire, especially the free part, but if this doesn't happen straight away then perhaps some of her other requests could become a reality in the interim . .

  • Sound
  • Paintings *
  • Contact or something soft she can rub against instead of bars or cold concrete
  • Something soft to stand on 
So what do we need to get the above

  1. Someone who has access and is able to create a sound c.d. specifically for her wishes
  2. A Local (to her) artist who can communicate with us re how her requested elephants are to be painted i.e. which direction they are to be looking at, their body posture, their ear, head, tail, legs and eye positioning, foliage colour etc
  3. Someone who is able to wrap some thick blankets or non feathered down duvets over the spars that are in her environment
  4. Someone locally who has access to something soft she can stand or preferably  walk on   . . .  

* We would however ask for any painter/painters who are interested in this job and who is/are allowed, after going through the inevitable loops and traps, to contact us . . . or us in person. 

On behalf of this very special elephant and all others for that matter thank you.

Monday, 16 December 2013

A German Shepherd with Bladder Problems . . .resolved

Meet Squaddie

TYPE : German Shepherd
ISSUE : Bladder Issue


Some more hope on the canine front, this time with this very loveable German Shepherd.

He had been experiencing issues with his bladder on more or less a weekly basis for a number of years. After a number of visits, expensive visits, to the Vet unfortunately the last appointment (approximately 3 months ago) was extremely  sad news not only for Squaddie but also his owner and his family in that it had been suggested that if he was to experience  this again it would be kinder to put the animal down. 

The owner, as you can imagine was distraught at this news and asked us to look in to him in the hope that we could come up with something. We scanned him and his chemical balance and quickly 
realised that he had a reaction or intolerance to certain foods and liquids. We immediately created a diet sheet specifically for his own needs and asked the owners to keep him out of all the drawers that he could open, as well as keep him off all the foods listed under negatives.  The only irritant for the owner is that they had to buy a child lock so that this very clever 4 legged canine couldn't open the drawers to steal his desire as a treat ad lib! 

The owner has very kindly forwarded a sentence in the hope that her dogs story will give others the chance of this form of treatment, before they might have to be put to sleep.

" squaddie is now 3yrs old. he has suffered with bladder problems since young. the outlook wasnt good. however, Judi recommended a complete change of diet. following the diet, squaddie has only had 1 setback. he is a different dog. i cant thank judi enough", if you are struggling, give your animal this chance"

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Let's think about little Dogs in fact all dogs . . . . . .

Having read a number of articles on facebook re issues with dogs that people have been having  we feel it is important to copy one of our replies down here . . .

"A lesson in this for everyone, please, please, remember small dogs (pups included in this) may be wee and very, very cute and the tendency to let them get away with murder is very easy, but their brains are as intelligent as any other dog and often more intelligent than a humans. Please don't turn them into total lap pups  . . . they need, just like they do in the wild, to know where they are in the pecking order, but in a 'way that a canine understands' and not as a human thinks a dog should understand. All animals, should also be able to look you in the eye without being fearful of you and indeed without you being fearful of them . . . if you are having trouble with this, feel free to contact us.

We are running weekly on line clinics at the moment -  so don't feel stuck, come along and get some guidelines especially if you feel your Canine buddy is controlling you - as this does not lead to a healthy relationship . . ..

With regards Children, it's very difficult for known children or unknown children not to see little dogs/puppies as continual puppies but sometimes, little dogs, no matter the age, can get fed up of being treated like a wee diddy puppy. If a child at any stage has pulled its tail or something similar to the point of pain then the animal will undoubtedly not forget and will, upon another experience of this, retaliate . . however the animal will give a warning sign which will have been given by the animal in the first place, but if an adult was not around at the time then  no one is to know apart from  the child, who would undoubtedly deny doing anything to the dog in the first place because they know the dog can't talk . . . .

So 3 little messages, actually 7 . . . . please please

  1. Think twice about taking a wee dog/pup on and make sure you are aware as to how big your pup is going to grow to. 
  2. Make sure you ask any kennels for as much history as possible 
  3. Make sure you see the dog with kids and other dogs etc before you take them on . . . 
  4. On visiting Kennels, which you will undoubtedly do a few times before taking a dog on, make sure you see other staff handling the dog i.e. collar being put on, lead being put on, being asked to sit and stay - that is if it can do that, although these are two things that can easily be trained to do with your dog at a later stage. . . 
  5. Watch for the Staff's own body language as they approach the dog within the kennels . . . 
  6. Quite often older individuals, for companionship, feel like taking a dog on, please, please, make sure one of their siblings or neighbours go along with them just to make sure that it's right for both them and the dog.
  7. Above all, consider all the cons as well as the pro's for having a dog
On behalf of many misunderstood Dogs -  they would all prefer to have one home or two at the most and to have to go from pillar to post just confuses them even more.  If you have the smallest of issues, nip it in the bud rather than waiting till that bud  has grown in to a prickly hawthorn bush! otherwise this issue is carried in their baggage for the next potential owner . . . . . . encourage or find the right person to try to resolve the issue first before sending it on to another home. Please give all animals a chance, we are happy to help you either on line or off line or at least find someone in your area, a genuinely natural animal communicator to help. . . thank you.

Hair improvement . .thanks to Diet

Once a Client has connected with us they are always on our list, no matter the issue.This also means that we are given feedback over the weeks, months and years. It is this that, for us anyway, is lovely, not only does it show that our Clients realise the benefit of the suggestions given but they reap the rewards long term . . . . naturally and with little or no medication and continue to report back afterwards on regular intervals.

For those who have requested an individual diet to be scanned for their specific chemical balance or health issue, more often than not, the positive signs are noticed and noted after the first 24 -36 hours, perhaps we can share a few of the signs with you.

Skin improves
Bowels improve
Stomach ache improves
Acid reflux disappears
Anxiety levels straighten out
Headaches disappear
Blood Pressure settles

to name just a few.

Naturally it takes time for the goodness within the positive foods to get to the organs /muscles / bones / hair roots, but over time each one of these improve.

Having just received an email today from another Client who we were asked to help, nearly two years ago, we are delighted to say that she continues with good health, but more to the point, even her hair dresser is noticing the change in the strength of her hair . . . She has also managed to lose a healthy amount of weight giving her more energy and stamina to keep going. This is great news.

After about two weeks of being on her diet one of her many comments were ' my hair even feels better and my finger nails look so much better'

Thank you D for forwarding your thoughts . . . as you often say it will hopefully encourage others to listen to their own chemical balance needs.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Large Animal Session 17th December 2013

Large Animal Evening

17th December 2013



(In view of the serious threats elephants are under 
at the moment we will be dedicating an extra Session 
for them totally free of charge) 

In this Session we will be covering things such as skin, mental, depression, stomach, bowel, dietary and communication issues. 

Please book your time before Tuesday at 16:00 (U.K. time)

What you will need prior to your appointment:

Pencil/pen and paper
Your booking number for confirmation of appointment
A photograph of your animal/pet - this can be a tame or wild animal
A list of your most important questions
Please be ready 5 minutes before/ your appointment
You will be advised of the payment for this in our reply email.

(Don't worry if you can't make any of the slots this evening there will be other 'LARGE ANIMAL' open evenings)


Monday, 9 December 2013

More success for W.A. Racing yard

News just in, delighted to say that W.A. Racing Yard, the new Yard belonging to Mr. W, Amos has had two winners since we went down to scan their yard, each horse, the exercise pens, the Exerciser and the gallop . . . we are tickled pink for Willie, he so deserved this, may the positive aura stay with you Willie . . .

However what we are more pleased about is the fantastic news that the wee chestnut is now back in gentle work . . .  we are truly delighted about this. . . obviously his spirits have picked up as well, . . . the T.L.C. we suggested is being continued as well. . . . which is great news. Often people forget after a while but it is clear that this particular racing yard truly thinks about each horse as an individual . . . and this is what we do our best to promote, that each animal is an individual and should never be 'pigeon holed' like many humans are . . but shouldn't be . . . This news has made our night . . .Thank you for letting us know . . .

Sunday, 8 December 2013

10th December 2013 Canine / Human evening session

Welcome to our next Evening Session



Please book your time before Tuesday at 16:00 (U.K. time)

What you will need prior to your appointment:

Pencil/pen and paper
Your booking number for confirmation of appointment
A photograph of your animal/pet - this can be a tame or wild animal
A list of your most important questions
Please be ready 5 minutes before/ your appointment
You will be advised of the payment for this in our reply email.

(Don't worry if you can't make any of the slots this evening there will be other 'CANINE/HUMAN' open evenings)


Saturday, 7 December 2013

The technique makes all the difference . . .

We had the joys of working with one of our wonderful 'older' Clients today. Part of this Session was spent exercising Memory lane, actually it was spent in an incredibly refreshing book written by Olli Vigfusson and titled 'Hitch Craft'. (For those of us who are 'Non Fishermen' it's a little powerful book which totally has you captured in the moment of a Fishermen with little sentences such as 'and that twig that tripped me up made my eye catch the rippling of the most amazing Atlantic Salmon'. On each page he had written a few words in large print and we would like to share some of them with you but in the order that they were in the book - each of them kind of relates to  . . . . . . actually we will let you finish that word off . . . .

Maybe this one (meaning the fly used to hook the fish with) will do the trick!

Why have I not used the Portland Hitch ?

The technique makes all the difference . .

The speed must be right . . . .

The speed is an important factor . . . .

Gentle with out splashing . . .

Constant Control . .  . .

Each river has its own condition

The current and the wind . . . .

The Big secret  . . . . 

In front of the salmon . . . .

A delicate moment . . . .

Important to use different sizes / strengths . . . .

Salmon rise without taking . . . . . .

The most memorable take  . . . .

The only one we would add to the end is  . . . . 

There is a fly for every fish . . . . 

The pleasing thing for us was to read that each of these Atlantic Salmon are put back . . .  . . . .

So to go back to our last sentence . . .  .  

each of these quotes relate to  . . . . . 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Please - listen to your heart . . .

The other week as you all know our Founder Judi Gunn was away scanning race horses, their stables and surrounding ground and gallop, in the yard there must have been 26 horses,. . . however, in one of the stables, the one that probably got the most morning sun actually, was a lovely Chestnut, who should probably have been standing at 16'1, he landed there not as a racer but one that Willie Amos felt for . . . but in other hands would have been jagged till the cows came home, and probably had been prior to Mr. Amos taking it on and would potentially have even put down - just because he had had an accident earlier in life that perhaps hadn't been treated sufficiently at the time. This horse in reality stood with a heart standing at about 2hands 1" instead of 16 hands . . . like a magnet it drew Judi, after scanning it, in silence, and from the various mental and physical angles that he wanted to be scanned from he and Judi managed to conclude a 'positive way forward' . I guess the motto in this tale, is that people such as unique race horse trainers such as Willie Amos, who has absolutely worked and works like a dog to create these stables over the last year, lets his heart rule on special cases . . . it's not easy when you see someone - a Client choosing a route that perhaps isn't healthy for them, or indeed a good example for their offspring or an animal who has not been given his voice, but sometimes we, as Guiders need to give a little or encourage others views to look from a different angle before they see sense or the 'genuine need of others' . . Although some people always think that the Doctors and Vets are right (probably thanks to their upbringing) , Judi always leaves an open invite to come back and drop a 'follow up message' just as a rain check . . . The world is changing and the people (and animals) are beginning to have their say/voice, just sometimes we need to encourage them that this way is right and just, no matter whether it's for health or a 'human right' - if only animals could automatically have this right as well . . . but as one of many Communicators, there is light at the end of their tunnel now - - - thanks to the Internet ! . . . . sorry we have harped on a bit. A lovely fresh morning to you all, let's hope it's the same for every living creature . . .

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Microsoft Paul Allen - supporting elephants . . . thank you all who use the internet

This is in support of Elephants - 

Our founder has been a massive supporter of Elephants and has been active in many of the facebook pages relating to the dreadfully abusive way many elephants are treated. 

These are THE most gentle giants of our world and only react because of Memories or threats - NO DIFFERENT TO HUMANS.

We are delighted to read and announce that Microsofts Paul Allen is to fund Africa's wide elephants survey 2014 -  We feel this is partly thanks to the amount of 'people on the ground' who are supporting these amazing creatures through the various internet facebook pages and websites . . . please, if you support the safety and sanity of all elephants and wish to stop the cruel methods of the way these creatures are being poached and the way their young are hijacked, chained for months on end, their spirits totally broken, please visit as many elephant pages as possible and comment accordingly -  it is thanks to everyone who is in support of them that people with the financial backing can then go on board and speak for the 'genuine people of the world and not those who live in a bureaucratic Society. 

To learn more about this project go to this link or visit facebook pages such as  Save All Elephants and many of the other pages you will find therein . . .
On behalf of those who have been brutally murdered and the young who have known no freedom -  and those who are confined to the smallest of areas -  thank you.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013



3 December 2013

9pm - 10.45pm 
Due to additional requests we have extended our time slots this evening
(21.00 - 22.45) 
(U.K. time)



This evenings issues 




9.00 - 9.15
9.20 - 9.35
9.40 - 9.55
10.00 -10.15
10.20 - 10.35
10.40 - 10.55

What you will need prior to your appointment: 

  1. Pencil/pen and paper
  2. Access to Skype (DOWNLOAD SKYPE FREE)
  3. Your booking number for confirmation of appointment
  4. A photograph of your animal/pet -  this can be a tame or wild animal
  5. A list of your most important questions
  6. Please be ready 5 minutes before your appointment
  7. You will be advised of the payment for this in our reply email.

(Don't worry if you can't make any of the slots this evening there will be other 'CANINE' open evenings)


Sunday, 1 December 2013

A question often asked. . . where do we get our energy from?

 ' Where do you get your energy from and how do you manage to work so many hours?' Well as one of our amazing colleagues always says " always do and think things in 3's"  so, with this in mind  here are what we consider to be our three main answers" 

  1. Partly because we eat and drink only what our systems  require and do not eat what could have a negative reaction to our energy levels.
  2. We are absolutely passionate about giving all a voice as well as better all round health,  no matter whether our Clients are Human or Animal.
  3. Much of our work is managed in a 'virtual sense' which means we often need to work in the same time zone as our Clients. 
But mostly it is our dedication and commitment as well as the positive results that gives us the energy to keep going. 

We also feel quite strongly that when our 'immediate' world is at rest there is more positive energy in our immediate atmosphere, in other words, less static, less phone calls, Emails as well as less general interruptions, all which can lead to distractions as well as delays.

If you feel you would like to experience the same type of positive energy then we would be happy to coach you through. Feel free to EMAIL US  - SUBJECT : ENERGY LEVELS

We hope this will answer many of your questions. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Ouch . . . C.V. News : Ten most Radioactive places on earth mapped out !

Mmmm, came across this today : Ten  most Radioactive places on earth mapped out . . .

Wish it . . . dream it . . . do it . . . .

Many humans and animals are in the lucky position to do the below, but there are many, many more who aren't. So, tomorrow, why not dedicate part of the day to helping another fulfill their dream . . or the wish they have clung on to so dearly for so, so long. It doesn't have to be a human, it could be an elephant, a wild cat, a Rhino, a stray dog, anything . . . on behalf of many who never even have the chance to dream . . . thank you.

Monday, 25 November 2013

8047 views so far, . . . wonderful . . . more humans and animals given a chance to have a voice . . .

8047 views on Nature's Physician Global Health Mission --- fantastic - more humans and animals being given the chance to have a voice and to be understood . . . . wonderful . . . just what this site was created for . . . if you have a question on any human or animal who is locked in or not given the chance to have a voice or who has a health issue that no one is getting to the bottom of, feel free to ask and we will write an article according to our experiences and results - - - let's hope more individuals can be helped along with the ones that have been helped to date . . . let's stop humans domineering or dictating the lives of many animals . . . you would like to be given a voice, so why shouldn't they . . . on behalf of many - thank you.

Another link is Lauder Lass the horse who was too scared to be touched, who was going to be sent to slaughter all because of a massive lack of understanding and an inability to hear her voice . .. . . look at her now . . . what an example to the animal world indeed, if only others, could be given this same chance . .. but with thanks to networking more and more animals are being given this chance, one day we will have equality where all animals and human can live together peacefully with respect and appreciation of each others ways . . . we are doing our bit and thanks to this site and others many of you are helping as well, hope you are all going to continue promoting the need to communicate with all no matter whether it is a health problem or communication issue

Many animals need your help, although we are passionate and communicate with all animals 'elephants are particularly special to us' . . . . . and is one member of our world who needs all the support possible at the moment . . . there are many sites about Elephants and we will shortly be giving you a list, but in the meantime take a wee peek at and you will discover some dreadful stories, who is behind them . . . life is so cruel, unfair and often a corrupt but with your help we can make it healthier for all . . . thank you.

One thing in common . . . for 'vulnerable' individuals

From the work we have done over the years with what we would call, to a point, 'vulnerable' individuals or for those who suffer from issues such as Dementia, Anxiety attacks, Obsession .Compulsive.Disorder, Psychosis and other similar health issues, there is one thing in common, and the effects of these have the same clearly apparent results resulting in larger 'blip days' than the sufferers tend to have on, what to them, is a 'normal day', but to others seem to be 'abnormal days'.

Often many solutions to these issues is medication, and to up the medication on 'bad days'. You will have read in some of our previous articles that we often feel medication has a tendency to 'mask' the issue and doesn't, for some anyway, help to resolve the issue in hand. Medication can often result in an individual suffering from 'go slow or dopey days' making them look as if they are almost walking on a different planet which can make others (who are supposedly normal ) make fun of the sufferer even more than normal. However, the effect of this negative kind of attitude given by supposedly 'normal' individuals can make the sufferer feel even worse and more shy resulting in them being unable to cope with their workload or school work because of this kind of 'silent attack' on their visual behaviour.

Let us give a couple of examples, if nothing else but to see if they ring any bells with you. If they do then we hope you will help the sufferer  by supporting them and by making the public or the sufferers family and friends more aware of how their reaction can effect them both at home, at work or at school/college or play.

Ultimately we would like to ask you to guide them towards better behaviour so that the sufferer is not put through any more unnecessary turmoil! however, if you find you are unable to get through to them, please, please contact us so that we can add some extra light on the matter.

So what is it that can have a detrimental effect on sufferers . .

  • What goes on behind closed doors  . . . . There is not a truer statement than this. Often we don't see what is said or done behind these doors/walls (unless you are a next door neighbour and the walls are thin) but you may go in the next day to see a friend or Client who suffers from such a health issue and note they are extra tired or just not connecting that well or seem flustered . . but often not knowing why they are like this. . . . many people just put it down to their health issue, where as infact it is quite the reverse - it is other people's issues that effect the sufferer.
  • What goes on with silent body language . . . . . again, this can have a dreadful effect on sufferers but we would say this is fractionally more common in adolescent years rather than older years. When given the silent treatment or visual face to face disapproval the inner turmoil that a sufferer can feel is unthinkable. However, in saying this, at the end of the day, the 'givers' of this treatment are often ten times more insecure than the sufferer, it's as if, at that stage in their life, they have a need to show power (control) and often, unfortunately have their little followers or 'sheep' who copy this negative behaviour resulting in 'group' bullying or negative energy is aimed at the sufferer which makes them suffer from more confidence related issues. 
  • Another frequent issue is when youths are brought up in a 'controlling family unit '  this can often breed to a 'controlling' attitude and a need to ridicule who ever and wherever - we feel, in this day and age that the 'controlling' family unit is unnecessary but unfortunately it does exist, however, if we see this happening we have been known to nip this type of behaviour in the bud whether it be in a public place or family unit, although this is handled sensitively or with 'kid gloves' - sensitive role playing comes in handy in this type of a scenario.
  • Silent bullying or/and cyber bullying  . . . . . can also have a similar effect and should be discouraged where possible. Again, sensitive role playing can come in handy here.
Now that we have covered a few examples of additional irritations what are the signs . . . 
  • Behavioural patterns may change slightly or seriously
  • Concentration ability may change for the worse
  • An inability to fulfill their daily duties
  • An inability to walk with confidence
  • An inability to communicate with confidence
  • A sudden confidence dip
  • Obsessions may become more apparent
  • An inability to laugh
  • An inability to sleep 
  • An inability to be amongst a group of their peers or work colleagues
  • An inability to interact with others/family members/peers/relations
  • An inability to look any one in the eye
  • Eating disorders
  • A change of eating habits
  • Toilet issues
  • Sickness issues
  • Frequent ill health albeit colds/flu's/
  • Skin issues
  • Wind issues
  • Gastric issues
  • Acid reflux
  • An ability to become more depressed and sensitive
  • A tendency to turn to the bottle
are just a few of the many signs . . . 

For some the initial illness is generally due to a chemical imbalance or negative experience, such as a car crash, a death, a negative experience, brain over load or, for whatever reason an inability to relax in their own home, bullying at an early stage in school years which continues in to High School . . . to list just a few. 

How to resolve the issues . 

  • Find the key to the individual - we can help with this if you find yourselves stuck
  • Encourage everyone to sing from the same song sheet
  • Discourage others negative behaviour
  • Encourage family support on a level that the sufferer can understand
  • Encourage confidence
  • Encourage a good diet
  • Encourage them to drink more water instead of coffee/tea
  • Encourage positive support in the workplace/At home/At school/At University/At college
The people who suffer from such issues all have a wonderfully warm heart and would not hurt a fly, so let's stick up for them and help to give them a voice, at least for the time that they can't do this for themselves . . . 

On behalf of many sufferers who suffer from and have suffered from these type of issues, thank you for taking time to read this little  article.

Friday, 22 November 2013

An update on little Catriena - another horse fixed naturally and not with bribery and corruption . .

You may remember a post on Bribery and Corruption - although we do not believe bribery and corruption is the correct way forward in any individuals life, the particular post in question was in relation to horses . . . and an eventful day when we were asked to go down and solve a problem with Catriena . . a lovely, cheeky, extremely clever Welsh.

After this Session someone else borrowed the school to train -(using Bribery and Corruption and dictatorial methods) a young Arab X. Mmmmmm, an interesting ending, where the horse felt - - "well my treats are finished so I'll just get on with what I WANT TO DO --- O, there you go you see, that got a polo out of his pocket!!!! I'm not daft you see said the Arab X"

An update on Catriena - since we worked on her, she has been extremely well behaved, although she has since taught herself how to untie a knot!!!! o, she is a clever clogs . . But she has desisted from pulling everyone every where - - - courtesy of 'everyone singing from the same song sheet ' - Brilliant news.

Keep up the good work everyone . . . and keep encouraging our form of language and other animals will benefit greatly - thank you.

There are quite a number of interesting articles on our facebook page -  feel free to join us over there . .

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


This  Autumn has found many horses being poisoned from sycamore trees - - - please, where possible lift the leaves and acorns . . . please, please be careful, be vigilant - watch your horses antics and bowel movements  - if you spot  anything abnormal keep them in until all leaves and acorns have been lifted, give them some hay, keep them away from sycamore trees . . .
The other thing that can cause upset at this time of year is crab apples . . . be careful. A sore gut is not a nice thing to either experience or to watch . . . on behalf of many horses who have had to suffer this . . . thank you for taking time to read this post.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Dental injection - local Anesthesia - Adrenalin

Dentist over time have changed their form of ways to numb the potential pain - some of you will remember when there was no pain relief at all, then you were  encouraged to hold something and squeeze it tight to take your mind off the pain, then there was gas, an injection, but over the last number of years they have introduced Adrenalin in to the injection, if nothing else but for speed. So more Clients can perhaps go through their doors on a daily basis.

More and more people are having side effects from it and some of these can be a change in blood pressure, palpitations, sweating. Instead of listing them all here we have added a couple of links, one is a forum where people talk of their experiences and another is a Website giving you additional information on Adrenalin injections.

If you experience or have experienced any of the symptoms, please tell your Dentist/Doctor, there is a 'non adrenalin injection available.

There are other sites out there so don't be frightened to investigate further. .

The side effect from this drug can make you feel very unstable, so please don't drive until you feel better. If you do have a side effect from it your Dentist or Dental Staff should encourage you to stay with them until you have returned to feeling normal.


When it comes to our Animals, they can't speak, so remember this drug can also give them the same side effect . . .

Everyone doesn't react in the same way to drugs, but many do, look out for the warning signs.

Be particularly watchful over older individuals who may already have health issues similar to those mentioned in the above articles.

On behalf of many who have had to go through this quite frightening experience thank you for taking time to read this article.

Perhaps if you have had an experience  you could add it to the above forum or on to this page so that others can share it with you.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Stroke related issue resolved

Case Studies J :  Stroke victim

Strokes can be a huge shock to any ones's system resulting in irritation and frustration at not being able to do what they used to be able to do. Often having to adjust to using the opposite hand to the one they have been used to using, having to adjust to not working, or not being able to carry out their hobbies of many years. These issues in themselves can be so demoralising creating boredom and often upset within the whole family because of the sufferer's lack of 'self worth'.

It is so important that all individuals can somehow regain this feeling of 'self worth'  albeit by doing something that their new found abilities can cope with and eventually become interested in, even if it is just till their system has learnt to adjust  to their new way of life. However, this word adjust is said with such ease but in reality to carry it out is so, so difficult but with the correct type of encouragement their key can be unlocked and often quicker than you think, AND without having to go through the elimination game of which hobby might allow them to recover quicker. But by the time the first 5 different potential hobbies are introduced the sufferer can become fed up and even more despondent because of inner frustration and the inability to communicate. But more importantly the 'crucial time factor' for encouraging activity after a stroke is lost. It is this time that can either encourage or discourage the sufferer to either give in or  not give in to their disability.

In this case we were asked to help a gentleman to become less despondent, so, using our Holistic approach we managed to find his key much quicker than the traditional choice by 'elimination '. We discovered after working with him for 10 minutes that something as simple as a bit of white paper, a pencil and a rubber allowed him to create a tremendous country scene, with stone dykes, a lake, some birds, some sheep and of course a sheep fold - you will not be surprised to hear this Gentleman used to work the land! He continued to draw for months which allowed the 'adjusting period' to pass so much quicker instead of wallowing  in his chair and becoming more and more frustrated with his inability to participate in much or indeed the frustration of trying to put even a short sentence together.

Not long after he started to walk and even now - ten years on - he manages to enjoy carpet bowling and socialising with his friends with many walks and can on 'rainy days' still be found drawing with his pencil and rubber -  the rubber being used as a tool not an eraser.

The pictures this Gentleman created were absolutely terrific - not only did he shock him self but he also shocked his family -  which was terrific. He gave them all a framed sketch for their Christmas - their first ever home made present and one which they have treasured since because it was the first thing their Father had ever made them.

It bought tears of happiness to everyone involved.

2013 has to be a year of change for us all with the introduction of ways to help protect  ourselves, our friends and pets from the ever increasing illnesses such as the average cold to more severe health issues such as acid reflux, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, skin issues and many others, if you know of any one or any animal who needs help, please give them a chance to have  a quality of life. We are here to help.

Stomach ache and Wind

Case Studies I :  Stomach ache/wind

A gentleman had suffered from severe wind causing extreme pain usually after his lunch/tea and once he lay down at bedtime.  He was also partial to the odd glass of alcohol (or 2) but again, after a few of these he would also suffer the consequences with wind being the most severe. His scalp had a tendency to flair up but he had not connected the two issues together. During the years he had these issues he just bought, as many do and would do, Anti itch shampoo and took stomach settlers  to keep the problem at bay and considered these issues as part of life, however the settlers often just took the surface of the pain away so he still had to cope with a milder form of discomfort/pain.

When he discovered that this Holistic approach could possibly help he asked for guidance. So, a diet sheet (including alcohol) specific to his chemical balance was created and he has never looked back since. He now, after 10 years, automatically knows what is good for him, almost as if his 'basic instinct' as come in to play. He knows exactly what types of flours. sugars, teas and, more importantly for him, what type of whisky / beer  he can take without negative consequences and thanks to all this his itchy scalp  and wind has never returned.

The locked in becomes unlocked . . .

Case Studies H :  "Locked in"

This is about a gentleman who, for years,  had been in a nursing home, unable to communicate at all.  The nurses and staff, as they, nine times out of ten always do, did a tremendous job looking after him, although sometimes it wasn't easy with the lack of his ability to talk.

The head of this particular nursing home asked Judi if she would be prepared to organise an 'Art' workshop with some of her Clients / Patients with a view to helping all of them but in particular this Gentleman to communicate. A schedule was set up and by the end of the first Session this gentleman had drawn an amazing picture - one that was from his past and meant a lot to him emotionally. This was an incredibly moving day for not only the staff but for Judi and of course the Gentleman - tears all round - because this gentleman had been GIVEN A CHANCE to be 'unlocked' and was communicated with on a level that he could understand and cope with. From then on he never looked back and his life became so much easier for all involved.

Judi still has a photocopy of the amazing drawing this gentleman did - she was so, so proud of him.

With this case in mind perhaps you would like to go to this link to read a precious poem that she and some of the children under her charge created - "Locked in " How some humans and animals feel"

Skin Issue - resolved

Case studies G : Skin issue

X  Discovered Judi's ability  by word of mouth in 2003. She had been suffering from an embarrassing skin issue, off and on, for about 4 years. She was fed up of it, tired from her lack of sleep due to itchiness, slightly more short tempered and fed up that the medication suggested by her Doctor did not make much of a difference. An appointment was arranged and her specific issues discussed after which time a diet sheet was promptly created to suit her individual chemical balance.  With great relief, after a few days, her skin improved dramatically. Now she knows what to stay clear of. However, if she cheats - or has too much of a negative food then it can become slightly irritated again. After a few months of being on her specific diet her own chemical balance settled down and her initial diet sheet was re-assessed. The highly scored negative foods remained negative but some of the lower scored negative foods changed to being positive so were re-introduced with no negative side effects. She now manages to have a non embarrassing social life, can sleep, has much more energy and is just so relieved that she can now control it and live a normal life.

I.B.S. - resolved

Case Study F  I.B.S.

A lady had been suffering from severe stomach cramps, bloatedness, discomfort on bowel movement since she was a child. In fact she couldn't remember having a week without some form of discomfort. 

Her paths happened to cross with Judi's during which time she brought her issues to the fore of the conversation. 

Judi brought up her opinion on food stuffs and liquids and how they can have a serious effect on specific individual chemical balances and 'lifestyle' after which time the lady wondered whether Judi could have a look in to her dietary needs. 

A list of positive and negative solids and liquids were made up specifically for this lady and in just a matter of days she saw a huge improvement. However, at first, on the odd occasion, when this lady was out for dinner she cheated by the way of eating something that was negative for her system but she suffered for it after, sometimes only half an hour afterwards, feeling bloated, constipated and uncomfortable.  

After years of numerous varieties of medication, internal examinations, Doctors and hospital appointments she feels so much more comfortable and is relieved that she does not have to try all the new medication the Doctors have often suggested in an attempt to ease her situation. She can solve the issue herself now and has reaped the benefits of it by : 

  • Sleeping better - making her less irritable 
  • Not having to sit on the toilet for hours
  • Having much more energy
  • Feeling she can now go out and eat with her friends without Ithe dread of the pain afterward
  • Not feeling so depressed
For Judi it is always wonderful to see someone else who has benefited by listening to their inner needs rather than suffering such discomfort and unease.